LUCCA, December 9-11, 2009
Associazione degli Industriali della Provincia di Lucca
Piazza Bernardini, Palazzo Bernardini


DEsign for opTimal performance of high-speed rAILway bridges by enhanced monitoring System
Research Project founded by RFCS: Research Found for Coal and Steel

Workshop Aim
The Aim of the Workshop is to present the final result of the research project founded by the European Commission, Research Fund for Coal & Steel "Details: DEsign for opTimal performance of high-speed rAILway bridges by enhanchement monitoring Systems".
The general aim of the research is the optimization of performance of the actual design solution for steel-concrete composite railway bridges by means of an accurate study of still open problem such as the actual dynamic response of the bridge, the actual contribution of the ballast and other non structural elements, the choice of the proper modelling strategies, the recognition and simulation of the train-bridge interaction effects and the estimate of the actual fatigue loading spectra.
To these purpose procedure integrating the design whit the control and maintenance requirements have been developed and proposed in order to minimise costs referred to the whole bridge life guaranteeing at the same time the adequate safety level during exercise.
The results of the research programme are completed by a set of Lectures concerning the most important topic such as monitorin, fatigue and train-bridge interaction effects.

in collaboration with
Federation of Associations of Engineers of Tuscany
Associations of Engineers of the Provinces of Livorno, Lucca, Massa Carrara and Pisa