How to reach Alle Bifore

Via Fillungo,6
55100 Lucca
Tel. +39 3388526688

Please contact Alla Corte degli Angeli:
Via degli Angeli, 23
55100 Lucca
Tel. 0583.469204

FROM HIGHWAY A11/A12 Follow the indications for 'City centre' driving around the town walls until Porta Santa Maria (look up on the photo). When you are inside Porta Santa Maria, turn right in Via della Cavallerizza until the tower of  S. Frediano Church, turn left in Via Cesare Battisti, after the traffic light turn left in the first street, Via degli Angeli n°23 where we are situated.
In any case, if you arrive from a different way than highway, coming from any direction, you should refer to “Porta Santa Maria”, one of the doors to the historic centre situated in the northern part of the town , and from there follow the directions above reported.
Entering Lucca from Porta S. Peter (in front of the station), turn left into Piazzale Umberto I turn right Saladini Jerome Street, turn left Piazza Napoleone, take Via Beccheria, continue in Via Saint Lucia, Via del Moro, turn left on Via San Giorgio , turn right in Via Cesare Battisti, turn left on Via degli Angeli.