

Detailed instructions for typing your article are given in the downloadable templates at the end of this page. Since you have to send a camera-ready paper, you are personally responsible of the quality and appearance of your work.

Please remember the following points in particular:

  1. type the body of the paper in double column, inside the prescribed margins (a 186 x 265 rectangle); do not print any border around the text; space the columns at least 8 mm.
  2. use 10 pt Times Roman font or equivalent, and single spaced lines;
  3. paper length is limited to 6 (six) pages;
  4. type paper title, authors and affiliations up to 200 word abstract, at the beginning of the paper in single column;
  5. list references in numerical order of appearance;
  6. supply good quality figures, tables, pasting them directly on the paper; for photographs, see detailed instructions; color figures or photographs will appear in gray scale;
  7. list all the used symbols (together with their units) in a nomenclature section at the end of the paper; the use of SI units is mandatory;
  8. lightly write by pencil the page number, the first author and the Log identifier on the back of each page;
  9. mail the original and two copies to your Lead Scientist before the prescribed deadlines;
  10. upon agreement with your Lead Scientist, you may submit the paper via e-mail in electronic form (PDF or PS formats).


The final appearance of you paper should be similar to the following template, downloadable in several versions. You may also use an editable version of the template to type your paper in

Thank you for your patience and cooperation.

The Editors

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