Welcome to My Home Page!

Last updated on June 1st,  2008

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New website just launched, still under construction. More information can be found in my old institutional website.

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Sample Tags

Posted on January 1st, 2007 by Author

An ordered list:

  1. Nullam et orci in erat viverra ornare.
  2. Suspendisse quis gravida massa felis.
  3. Curabitur malesuada turpis nec ante.

A blockquote:

“Et pulvinar pede ligula a sapien. Donec fermentum condimentum nisi. Proin iaculis mauris id lorem viverra molestie. Duis vel orci. Nam consequat. Morbi nec lacus.”

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Teaching activity

    I have been teaching the following classes in reverse chronological order (in Italian) at the School of Engineering of Pisa University.

    All links to pages in Italian only, sorry.
    External links open in new window.

    Manufacturing processes II
     (Studi di fabbricazione - II360) 2nd year, MEng degree in Mechanical Engineering (Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Meccanica) 1st term, 12 ECTS-credits, since 2007 to date.
    Students' project (to be published) on Macchine Utensili.

    Automation of production processes (Automazione dei Processi Produttivi - II253), 2nd year, MEng degree in Automation Engineering (Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria dell'Automazione) 1st term, 6 ECTS-credits, since 2004 to date.

    Received the award Teaching Innovation 1st edition from AITeM.

    Statistical methods for systems control (Metodi Statistici per il Controllo dei Sistemi - ZZ815), 2nd year, MEng degree in Management Engineering (Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Gestionale) 1st term, 5 ECTS-credits, since 2004 to date.

    Industrial quality management (Gestione Industriale della Qualità - 51134), 5th year, MEng degree in Mechanical Engineering (Laurea in Ingegneria Meccanica) 1st and 2nd term, 10 ECTS-credits, 2001 to 2003.

    More syllabi (in Italian) by year.

    Exams registration (restricted).

      Research activity

      More ...
