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In the Press

Primitive lines in Drop on Demand Three Dimensional Printing of Alumina powder (SEM micrograph)
About my cooperation with AOUP of Pisa, one of the largest European hospitals:
October 10th, 2012: From the portal of Pisa Municipality (cache, GIF) and from the University portal (cache, GIF). Many more from my blog
About the conference on Performance Based Contracting:
September 28th, 2012: Photo gallery and TV news interview
About the Cirp conference (International Academy of Production Engineering) organized in Pisa:
August 22-28, 2012: TV news and articles
About my cooperation with Jaked, leading swimwear producer and technical sponsor FIN:
June 23rd, 2009: Full page ad (PDF) on page 4 of Corriere della Sera (the main national newspaper) and Gazzetta dello Sport (the main national sport newspaper)

June 22nd, 2009: On Libero-news.it national electronic newspaper (cache, GIF)

June 22nd, 2009: Press release from Jaked (cache, PDF in Italian and in English)
From the electronic newspaper of Pisa University (in Italian):
Ottobre 2008: Un marchio dell’Ateneo sulla sicurezza dei treni
From the ALAP alumni paper and electronic news (in Italian):
N.6-2007: Became member of CIRP (pag. 3)

In N.5-2006
  • A photo sent while visiting the University of Tokyo (pag. 8)
  • Article: Sessione Poster Dottorati (pag. 10)

  • N.3-2006: Received the award Teaching Innovation from AITeM (pag. 3)

    In N.1-2005
  • Article: MIT e Stanford: impressioni su due Scuole di eccellenza statunitensi (pag. 1)
  • Nominated associate professor (pag. 8)

  • Corrected proofs of
  • N.10-2009 (pag. 12)
  • N.9-2008 (pag. 12)
  • From La Nazione (national newspaper, local section):
    December 8th, 2004: About my conference at the Faculty of Engineering