- 2006-08: Leather inspection system, project manager
sponsored (4kE) by PGC (Pisa, Italy)
- 2006-08: Computer Aided leather cutting system, project manager
sponsored (10kE) by Canovai (Pistoia, Italy)
- 2006-08: Visual inspection system for glue packaging, project manager
sponsored (6kE) by ICI Italy, National Starch & Chemical division (Milano, Italy)
- 2003-06: Handling and inspection systems for the leather industry, project manager
co-sponsored (130kE) by CariPisa Foundation -- more
- 2006: Computer Aided pre-installation system for stone slabs, project manager
sponsored (3kE) by CGS (Pisa, Italy)
- 2004: Business process re-engineering, project manager
sponsored (20kE) by Salvatori (Lucca, Italy)
- 2001: Quality management training, course organization
co-sponsored (5kE) by the Provincial administration of Pisa, Italy
- 2000: Computer Aided leather cutting, patent consulting
for IronFox (Padova, Italy)