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ONDA (One-dimensional Non-linear Dynamic
Description: Computer code to perform seismic ground
response analyses of soil deposits in time domain
(analysis types: linear and non-linear)
Descrizione: Codice di calcolo per analisi di
risposta sismica locale.
If you use ONDA v1.4 please cite as:
1) Lo Presti D.C.F., Lai C. and Puci I., 2006. ONDA:
Computer Code for Nonlinear Seismic Response Analyses of
Soil Deposits, Journal of Geotechnical and
Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 132(2):
223-236. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)1090-0241(2006)132:2(223)
2) Lo Presti D.C.F. and Stacul S., 2017. ONDA
(One-dimensional Non-linear Dynamic Analysis): ONDA 1.4
User's Manual Version 1.4. doi: 10.13140/rg.2.2.32409.83043.
here to Download ONDA v1.4
here to Download the User's Manual of ONDA v1.4
You can use ONDA v1.4 as well as the
obtained results at the following conditions:
- recognise the authorship as indicated above;
- the codes can be used for research as well as for
professional purposes or any other purpose. In any case,
the responsibility of the obtained results is yours. The
Authors decline any responsibility;
- you should mention any modification you have done to the
original computer codes, if any. It should be clear that
such modifications have been introduced without the
consensus of the Authors;
- you cannot claim the authorship after remixing the
original material;
- you cannot apply terms and conditions to third parties.
KIN SP (KINematic interaction analysis of Single
Description: Computer code to evaluate the envelope
of kinematic bending moments due to the pile-soil
interaction during a seismic event. The kinematic
analysis is preceded by a seismic ground response
analysis performed with ONDA. (Note: in this KIN SP
distribution is already included the code ONDA. For a
proper use of this software it is recommended to inspect
both the user's manuals available on this website).
Descrizione: Software per il calcolo dell'inviluppo
dei momenti flettenti cinematici generati
dall'interazione palo-terreno durante un evento sismico.
L'analisi di interazione cinematica del palo singolo è
preceduta da un'analisi di risposta sismica locale
effettuata con il codice di calcolo ONDA. (Nota: il
codice KIN SP ha già incluso al suo interno il codice di
ONDA, per un corretto utilizzo si invita l'utente a
prendere visione di entrambi i manuali distribuiti su
questa pagina)
If you use KIN SP v1.0 please cite as:
1) Stacul, S.; and Squeglia, N. (2018). KIN SP: a
Boundary Element Method based code for single pile
kinematic bending in layered soil. Journal of Rock
Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2018. doi:
2) Stacul, S.; Lo Presti, D.C.F.; and Squeglia, N.,
(2017). KIN SP (KINematic interaction analysis of Single
Pile): KIN SP 1.0 User's Manual Version 1.0. doi: 10.13140/rg.2.2.15632.61444.
here to Download KIN SP v1.0
here to Download the User's Manual of KIN SP v1.0
You can use KIN SP v1.0 as well as the
obtained results at the following conditions:
- recognise the authorship as indicated above;
- the codes can be used for research as well as for
professional purposes or any other purpose. In any case,
the responsibility of the obtained results is yours. The
Authors decline any responsibility;
- you should mention any modification you have done to the
original computer codes, if any. It should be clear that
such modifications have been introduced without the
consensus of the Authors;
- you cannot claim the authorship after remixing the
original material;
- you cannot apply terms and conditions to third parties.
CPT PaGE (Cone Penetration test analysis for
Geotechnical Engineering)
Description: Interpretive software for CPT, CPTu,
SCPTu tests (cone penetration test data interpretation,
seismic cone data analysis, pile bearing capacity
module, shallow foundation settlement module,
dissipation test module, assessment of liquefaction
potential index)
Descrizione: Software per l'interpretazione di prove
penetrometriche statiche CPT, CPTu e di prove con cono
sismico SCPTu (interpretazione di prove penetrometriche
statiche, analisi dati prove con cono sismico, modulo
calcolo capacità portante pali di fondazioni, modulo
calcolo cedimenti fondazioni superficiali, modulo
interpretazione prove di dissipazione, valutazione
indice del potenziale di liquefazione)
If you use CPT PaGE please cite as:
Stacul, S.; Giusti, I; Lo Presti, D. (2017). CPT PaGE:
User Manual - Interpretation and Use. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27360.17929/1
here to Download CPT PaGE
here to Download the User's Manual of CPT PaGE
You can use CPT PaGE as well as the
obtained results at the following conditions:
- recognise the authorship as indicated above;
- the codes can be used for research as well as for
professional purposes or any other purpose. In any case,
the responsibility of the obtained results is yours. The
Authors decline any responsibility;
- you should mention any modification you have done to the
original computer codes, if any. It should be clear that
such modifications have been introduced without the
consensus of the Authors;
- you cannot claim the authorship after remixing the
original material;
- you cannot apply terms and conditions to third parties.