

Diego C.F. Lo Presti
Associate Professor
Largo Lucio Lazzarino 1, 56122 Pisa , Italy - Tel.: 39 050 2217742 - Fax: 39 050 2217762 ( Department )
Fax: 39 050 2217754 ( Geotechnical Lab )
Number of publications : 198
List of publications (Pisa Research Repositary ARPI-Iris) - LINK
Orcid Profile
ResearchGate Profile
Publons Profile
- Diego Carlo Lo Presti ( d.lopresti@ing.unipi.it ) Department of Civil & Industrial Engineering, University of Pisa, Largo Lucio Lazzarino 1, Pisa (Italy) - +39 0502217742
- He was born in Palermo ( Italy ) on January 7, 1951 . Italian Citizen. Married.
- Associate Professor since 2004 at the University of Pisa . In 2013 he obtained the qualification as Full Professor of Geotechnics, according to the Italian qualification system.
M. Sc. in Civil Engineering (December 1975) at the Technical University of Turin . Thesis title: Soil Structure Interaction in the Case of Heterogeneous Elastic Half-Space, (Tutor: Prof. M. Jamiolkowski).
Ph. D. in Geotechnical Engineering (June 1987) at the Technical University of Turin; Thesis title: Behaviour of Ticino Sand during Resonant Column tests (Tutor: Prof. M. Jamiolkowski).
English: good (written, read, spoken). He had a personal teacher at the Technical University of Turin for 10 years (Marguerite Jones: marguerite.jones49@gmail.com ). Italian: mother tongue
Research Assistant at the Technical University of Turin since October 1991.
Associate Professor at the Technical University of Turin since October 1998.
Four month stage at the Tatsuoka's laboratory ( Institute of Industrial Science - University of Tokyo ) from 15th June 1990 to 15th October 1990 .
Editorial work
IS Torino 99. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Pre-Failure Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials (2 volumes, Balkema Publishers). ISBN 9058090760 - 9058090779
Manuale di Ingegneria Geotecnica (2013) ISBN 9788867411221 vol. I (in Italian)
Manuale di Ingegneria Geotecnica (2015) ISBN 9788867415090 vol. II (in Italian)
Capability of Penetration Tests in Geotechnical Research and Practice Proceedings of the 1st Europe-China Workshop. ISBN 978-88-8492-XXX-X
Editor of a special number of the Rivista Italiana di Geotecnica dedicated to the seismic microzonation of Castelnuovo Garfagnana ( Italy ). No. 3 2002 (open access: http://www.associazionegeotecnica.it/rig/archivio)
Expert and Reviewer tasks
He has been working as reviewer for the following Journals: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Bullettin of Earthquake Engineering, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, Georisk, Géotechnique, Geotechnical Testing Journal, Scientia Iranica, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Soils and Foundations.
He has also been working as reviewer for a number of Conferences.
He has been asked to review research projects by: Mitacs ( Canada ) on 2013, EPSRC (UK) on 2008, Z-NSERC ( Canada ) on 2016, REPRISE ( Italy ) since 2015.
Type |
Total Number |
Median - Percentile |
Prepublication reviews |
98 |
3 – 98 |
Verified reviews – last 12 months |
22 |
1 – 97 |
Reviews per year |
9 |
2 – 94 |
Publon merits |
294 |
9 – 98 |
Assessments for academic posts
- He has been asked to take part to various commissions for evaluating applications to different academic degrees: selection of technical staff, researcher, confirmation as associate professor, promotion to full professor ( Canada )
Public examiner/opponent tasks
- He was asked in two occasions to act as examiner of Ph. D Thesis carried out one at the University of Rome and the other at the University of Bucharest ( Romania )
Thesis supervision
- Since 1976 he has been tutor or co-tutor of more than 200 among M. Sc. and B. Sc. theses, including one carried out at Imperial College , London .
- He has been tutor or co-tutor of various Ph. D. Theses ( Turin , Pisa and the International Doctoral School ).
Positions of trust and membership in councils, boards, committees, networks, scientific associations, etc.
- Member of the Council of the School of Engineering ( University of Pisa ) for the term 2013 – 2016.
- President of the Council of the Master Course in Hydraulic, Transportation and Territory Engineering ( University of Pisa ) for the term 2007-2011. Since 2010 to 2011 President of the Council of the Course of Civil Engineering.
- President of the Council of the B. Sc. Course in Civil-Environmental & Building Engineering (University of Pisa) for the term 2012-2016.
- Member of the Scientific Committee for the Civil-Engineering Area of the University of Pisa for the periods 2006-2008 and 2008 – 2010.
- Since November 2007 member of the Council of the Doctoral School in Civil Engineering of the University of Pisa . Formerly member of the Council of the Doctoral School in Geotechnical Engineering at the Technical University of Turin. Since 2012 member of the International Doctorate in Civil and Environmental Engineering ( University of Florence , University of Pisa and ISTI CNR)
- Director of the Master Course in “Safety Management and Risk Evaluation of Work Environment” – University of Pisa
- Since 2007 is member of the task force of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Pisa for the International Relationships. Erasmus Coordinator of the Department (DESTeC – University of Pisa ) for the term 2013-2016.
- He has been involved as contact person of the Technical University of Turin in the EUCEET program (European Civil Engineering Education and Training, coordinated by ENPC - Paris).
- In the period 1995-1998 he was contact person of the Department of Structural Engineering of the Technical University of Turin for the Joint European Project, Tempus 9486 CESNET and Tempus 1155.2. In the framework of the above mentioned Project he coordinated the student and staff mobility and tutored some students coming in Torino from Romania or Poland ; he also delivered some lectures to Romanian students.
- In the period 1998 – 2004 he was responsible of the Socrates-Erasmus programmes of the Civil Engineering Course of the Campus of Vercelli (Technical University of Turin).
- Contact person of the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Pisa for the EUCEET Association (European Civil Engineering Education and Training – No Profit Association, Belgium Law, http://www.euceet.eu/). President of EUCEET Association for two periods: 2012-2014 and 2014-2016. Actually is vice-president of EUCEET Association and member of the Administrative Council.
- Is member of the Italian Geotechnical Society (AGI) and actually member of the Society Board, He is also member of the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE), International Society of Rock Mechanics (ISRM), International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) and International Association of Engineering Geology (IAEG).
- Since September 1994 he was core member of the Technical Committee No 29 of ISSMGE (TC29: Stress-Strain Testing of Geomaterials in the Laboratory).
- Since February 2000 he was member of the Committee appointed by the Tuscany Regional Government for the mitigation of the seismic risk in the most seismic areas of Tuscany .
- Since February 2003 he was core member (two terms) of the European Technical Committee No 12 (ETC12: Application of Eurocode 8) of ISSMGE. Since August 2006 he was core member and secretary of ETC12.
- Since January 2007 he was core member (one term) of the European Technical Committee No 16 of ISSMGE (ETC16 on Education and Training in Geotechnical Engineering).
- Since 2012 he is Member of the National Committee on Seismic Microzonation (Italian Civil Service, Italian Prime Minister).
- Actually he is member of the Technical Committee TC 303 of the ISSMGE.
Experience of leadership
- It is worth noting to mention the coordination of the Pisa working group in the framework of the project, granted by the Italian Ministry of University, and concerning the following topic: “Geological and Geotechnical Characterization of Natural Slopes for Stability Analysis in Seismic Areas: a comparison between simplified and rigorous approaches”. The research team consisted of the Group of the Department of Earth Sciences and the Geotechnical Group of the Civil Engineering Department ( University of Pisa ). It is also worth noting to recall the attempt to obtain in 2016 a European Grant in the framework of Erasmus+ (KA2 – Strategic Partnerships). Fourteen European Universities joined the proposal “Resilience by Design” under the coordination of the University of Pisa . The proposal passed the first examination but unfortunately was not granted.
Joint efforts and cooperation
- He has been involved in the Internationalization process at the Technical University of Turin, as well as at the University of Pisa . Under this role he successfully promoted student and staff mobility, new BA and DD degrees. As President of EUCEET Association he had more opportunities of success.
- Recently he promoted a cooperation agreement between the University of Pisa and the Semera University ( Ethiopia ). The core of such an agreement concerns the protection, control and management of the hydraulic resources.
- He is participating to the MARUEEB project leaded by the University of Genoa (Erasmus +, Capacity Building action) and to the TA-SE project leaded by the University of Deusto (Erasmus +, Capacity Building action).
Participation in/organization of conferences, workshops
- He took part to the organizing Committee of the 2nd International Symposium on pre-failure deformation characteristics of geomaterials, held in Torino on September 1999 and was co-editor of the two volumes of proceedings.
- He took part of the organizing/scientific/steering/advisory committee of many National and International Conferences or Symposia. The last case is the 5 th GEDMAR, September 2017.
- Yearly he has been organizing a workshop in Pisa on in situ testing. Details and presentations are available at www.ing.unipi.it/geotecnica (events).
Public appearances
- He has been invited as lecturer or panellist to many International Conferences and Symposia. It is worth noting the General Report prepared in the occasion of the International Symposium on pre-failure Deformation of Geomaterials (IS Sapporo 94) and the Invited Lecture in the same occasion.
External research funding
He took part to the following research projects supported by the Italian Ministry of University:
- 1998: Geotechnical Analysis of vulnerability of historical monuments;
- 2002: Seismic response of coarse-grained alluvial deposits in some areas of Tuscany ;
- 2005 (coordinator): Geological and Geotechnical Characterization of Natural Slopes for Stability Analysis in Seismic Areas: a comparison between simplified and rigorous approaches.
- Other research contracts for the development of new equipments, experimental methods and Technical Guidelines have been supported by ENEL CRIS ( Milan ), ISMES ( Bergamo ), Joint Research Centre (Ispra), International Committee for the Safeguard of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Regional Government of Tuscany, Regional Government of Piedmont, Italian National Seismic Survey.
- Other research contracts of minor importance have been carried out for local public Authorities.
Most cited papers:
Paper |
Citations |
Bellotti R., Jamiolkowski M., Lo Presti D.C.F. e O'Neill D.A. (1996) "Anisotropy of Small Strain Stiffness in Ticino Sand," Geotechnique, Vol. 46, No.1, pp. 115-131 |
153 |
Lo Presti D.C.F., Jamiolkowski M., Pallara O., Cavallaro A. e Pedroni S. (1997) "Shear Modulus and Damping of Soils" Géotechnique Symposium in Print, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 603-617 |
110 |
Jamiolkowski M., Lo Presti D.C.F. & Manassero M. 2001 Evaluation of Relative Density and Shear Strength of Sands from CPT and DMT, Invited Lecture Ladd Symposium, GSP No. 119, ASCE, pp. 201-238 |
85 |
Lo Presti D.C.F., Pallara O, Lancellotta R., Armandi M. e Maniscalco R. (1993) "Monotonic and Cyclic Loading Behaviour of Two Sands at Small Strains," Geotechnical Testing Journal, Vol 16, No 4, pp 409-424 |
70 |
Scholey G. K., Frost D. J., Lo Presti D.C.F. e Jamiolkowski M. (1995) "A Review of Instrumentation for Measuring Local Strains During Triaxial testing of Soil Specimens," Geotechnical Testing Journal, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 137-156 |
68 |
Lo Presti D.C.F., Pedroni S. e Crippa V. (1992) "Maximum Dry Density of Cohesionless Soils by Pluvia ti on and by ASTM D4253-83 : a Comparative Study," Geotechnical Testing Journal, Vol. 15, No 2, pp.180-189 |
53 |
Fioravante V., Jamiolkowski M., Lo Presti D.C.F., Manfredini G. e Pedroni S. (1998) "Assessment of coefficient of earth pressure at rest from shear wave velocity measurements" Géotechnique, Vol. 48, No. 4, pp. 1-10 |
43 |
Yamashita S., Jamiolkowski M. e Lo Presti D. 2000 Stiffness Non-Linearity of Three Sands Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering. Vol. 126. No.10. pp 929-938. |
39 |
Di Benedetto H., Tatsuoka F., Lo Presti D., Sauzéat C. & Geoffroy H. (2005) Time effects on the behaviour of geomaterials. Theme Lecture Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials. Lyon03, vol. 2. pp: 59-124 |
39 |
Fretti C., Lo Presti D.C.F e Pedroni S. (1995) "A Pluvial Deposition Method to reconstitute well graded gravelly sand specimens," Technical Note, Geotechnical Testing Journal, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 292-298 |
36 |
Lo Presti D.C.F., Jamiolkowski M., Pallara O. e Cavallaro A., (1996) "Rate and Creep Effect on the Stiffness of Soils", ASCE Convention, Washington, 10-14 Nov. 1996, Geotechnical Special Publication No. 61, pp. 166-180 |
36 |
Lo Presti D.C.F., Pallara O. e Puci I. (1995) "A Modified Commercial Triaxial Testing System for Small Strain Measurements: Preliminary Results on Pisa Clay," Geotechnical Testing Journal, Vol. 18, No 1, pp. 15-31 |
30 |
Cavallaro A., Maugeri M., Lo Presti D.C.F. e Pallara O. 1999 "Characterising shear modulus and damping from in situ and laboratory tests for the seismic area of Catania" Proc. of 2nd Int. Symposium on Pre-Failure Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials, Torino 27-30 September 1999, Balkema, Vol. 1, pp. 51-58 |
18 |
Lo Presti D.C.F., Berardi R., Pedroni S. e Crippa V. (1993) "A New Traveling Sand Pluviator to Reconstitute Specimens of Well-Graded Silty Sands," Geotechnical testing Journal, Vol 16, No 1, pp. 18-26 |
18 |
Lo Presti D.C.F., Pallara O., Jamiolkowski M. e Cavallaro A. 1999 "Anisotropy of small strain stiffness of undisturbed and reconstituted clays" Proc. of 2nd Int. Symposium on Pre-Failure Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials, Torino 27-30 September 1999, Balkema, Vol. 1, pp. 3-10 |
17 |
Lo Presti D.C.F., Pallara O, Cavallaro A. e Jamiolkowski M. (1999) "Influence of Reconsolidation Techniques and Strain Rate on the Stiffness of Undisturbed Clays from triaxial Tests", Geotechnical Testing Journal, GTJODJ, Vol. 22, No. 3, September 1999, pp. 211-225 |
16 |
Lo Presti D.C.F., Lai C. e Puci I. 2006 ONDA: Computer Code for Nonlinear Seismic Response Analyses of Soil Deposits, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 132(2):223-236 |
12 |
Baldi G., Bellotti R., Ghionna V.N., Jamiolkowski M., Lo Presti D.C.F. (1989) "Modulus of Sand's from CPT's and DMT's," XII ICSMFE, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. vol 1, pp 165-170 |
12 |