______________________ GEOTECHNICS
Ing. Ph.D. Piera Paola Capilleri
Largo Lucio Lazzarino, 1 - 56126 Pisa, Italy Tel.: 39 050 2217726 Fax: 39 050 2217762 (Dipartimento) Fax: 39 050 2217754 (Laboratorio di Geotecnica) E-mail: piera.capilleri@unipi.it
CURRICULUM VITAE ET STUDIORUM Birth: Catania (Italy), 1 st July 1973 Nationality: Italian Phone office: 39 0507 2217726 ; mobile:39 328 -6130442 Skype: paola19731 CURRENT POSITIONResearcher in Geotechnical Engineering at the Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering, University of Pisa (Pisa, Italy). Professor in “ Geotechnical Engineering ” at the Earth Sciences Department of the University of Pisa, Via S. Maria, Pisa 53-56126, Italy. Member of the Italian Geotechnical Society ( A.G.I., www.associazionegeotecnica.it ) Researchers' representative on the Research Commission , at the Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering, University of Pisa (Pisa, Italy). EDUCATION2000 Master's Degree in Civil Engineering (5-year course)Obtained on 5 th April 2000 at the Faculty of Engineering in Catania (Italy). Qualification: Doctor in Engineering. Diploma Thesis: “Seismic response analysis of the town of Sellano damaged by the 1997-1998 Umbro - Marchigiano earthquake” 2000 Engineering qualifying examinationOn June 2000 I took the examination and I became a professional engineer. Member of the Catania Society of Civil Engineering since September 2000. 2004 PhD in Geotechnical Engineering . Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Catania, Catania, Italy. Tutor: Prof. Michele Maugeri. 2004-2010 Research Contracts. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Catania, Catania (Italy). 2010-2018 Lab technician. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Catania, Catania (Italy). Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Catania, Catania (Italy). AWARDS, GRANTS AND SCHOLARSHIPS2000: Selected graduate student for Researcher Programme (University of Catania) for the research programme entitled: “Management of an information/computerised system to survey water and ground pollutants”. The research activities were funded by the University of Catania . 2001 : Selected Ph.D. student for Young Researcher Programme (University of Catania) for the research programme entitled “ Static and dynamic characterization of Sellano soils ”. The research activities were funded by the University of Catania. 2003 : Marie Curie Fellowship at the Earthquake Engineering Research Centre ( EERC), Bristol University (http://www.cen.bris.ac.uk/civil/research/eerc/), Bristol (UK). The research programme entitled “ Experimental test and numerical modelling of seismic performance of earth-retaining structures with particular surcharge condition ” was funded as a Marie Curie Training site in Earthquake Engineering . 2018 : invited speaker at the 5TH ITALIAN WORKSHOP ON LANDSLIDES "RAINFALL-INDUCED LANDSLIDES NOWCASTING FOR EARLY WARNING. Session: "ROLE OF VEGETATION", 30 May 2018". THESIS SUPERVISIONSince 2003 tutor or co-tutor for more than 200 theses External research fundingI have taken part in the following research projects: 2000 Indagini modellazione e vulnerabilità sismica del territorio. – coordinated by Prof. M. Maugeri 2001 Analisi Geotecnica modellazione e vulnerabilità sismica del territorio.– coordinated by Prof. M. Maugeri 2002 Analisi Geotecnica modellazione e vulnerabilità sismica del territorio.– coordinated by Prof. M. Maugeri 2002“ Studio geofisico, geologico e geotecnico, ai fini della microzonazione sismica delle aree interessate dagli eventi sismici dei mesi di ottobre, novembre e dicembre 2002” (Ordinanza P.C.M. n. 3278/2003), tra la Regione Sicilia ed i Dipartimenti di Ingegneria Civile ed Ambientale e di Scienze Geologiche dell'Università di Catania, responsible Prof. E. Motta . 2002 “Detailed Scenarios and Actions for Prevention of Seismic Damage in the Urban Area of Catania”, The research activities were funded by Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, coordinated by Prof. M. Maugeri. 2004 “Analisi Geotecnica e vulnerabilità sismica del territorio e delle infrastrutture”- coordinated by Prof. M. Maugeri. PRIN 2007 , “Analisi del comportamento di pendii, fondazioni, scavi e gallerie in condizioni sismiche: calibrazione dei metodi semplificati di verifica sulla base dei risultati di modellazioni fisiche e numeriche avanzate; contributo alla “manutenzione” delle normative vigenti in ambito nazionale ed europeo (EC8)”- coordinated by Prof. M. Maugeri. 2010 Research agreement with Maccaferri S.p.A titled: Reinforced earth retaining walls with rigid facing panels: experimental tests on physical models, theoretical analyses and design codes references.– coordinated by Prof. M. Maugeri . 2012 ReLUIS- Research Project - coordinated by Prof.ssa M.R.Massimino. 2012 Attività di Sviluppo Sperimentale finalizzata alla riduzione del Rischio Sismico nella Sicilia Orientale – Linea d'intervento – POR-FESR Sicilia 2007-2013 – D.D.G. n° 1043/3 del 14/03/2012. coordinated by Proff. E. Motta and M.R.Massimino. RESEARCH AND SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONSResearch was carried out at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Catania University and at the Department of Engineering at Pisa University from March 1999 to April 2000, as a selected graduate student, from January 2001 to March 2004 as PhD Student in Geotechnical Engineering, from May 2004 to June 2010 with Research Contracts, from June 2010 to February 2018 as Lab technician and from March 2018 to the present day as Researcher and Professor in “Geotechnical Engineering”. My research has focused on several areas of soil mechanics and geotechnical earthquake engineering and have been published in International Journals and in the proceedings of World, European and Italian Conferences. A list of selected scientific publications and Invited Lectures follows. International Journals P.Capilleri, M.R.Massimo, M.Maugeri, (2001). "The ground motion grade - 3 microzonation of Sellano". Italian Geotechnical Journal, Volume XXXV, n0 4 pp 97-110 ISSN: 0557-1405. Patron editore. P.Capilleri, A.Cavallaro, M.Maugeri, (2014)."Static and dynamic soil characterization at Roio Piano (AQ)". Italian Geotechnical Journal, Volume XXXV, n0 2 pp 38-52 ISSN: 0557-1405. Patron ed. P.P.Capilleri, M.R.Massimino, E.Motta, E.Raciti, M.Todaro, F.Ferraiolo, A.Bortolussi, J.da Silva Duram (2016). "Numerical analysis of a full scale earth reinforced wall: static and seismic behaviour". Italian Geotechnical Journal, Volume XL, n0 3 pp 5-15 ISSN: 0557-1405. Patron ed. P.P.Capilleri, E.Motta, E.Raciti, M.Todaro, (2017)." Evaluation of root tensile strength of some Mediterranean plant species for slope stabilization". Italian Geotechnical Journal, Volume XLI, n0 1 pp 60-68 ISSN: 0557-1405. Patron ed. Capilleri P. P., Ferraiolo F., Motta E., Scotto M., Todaro M. (2018). Static and dynamic analysis of two mechanically stabilized earth walls. Geosynthetic International. https://doi.org/10.1680/jgein.18.00034 . P.P.Capilleri, M. R. Massimino E.Motta, M.Todaro.” Two-dimensional seismic response analysis for the site of a strategic building in Catania”. Annals of Geophysics. Volume 61, Issue 2, 2018, Article number SE219. P.P.Capilleri, M. R. Massimino E.Motta, M.Todaro (2018)." Seismic response of a strategic building site in the city of Messina with a two-dimensional finite element analysis". Volume 61, Issue 2, 2018, Article number SE218. A.Cavallaro, P.Capilleri, S. Grasso (2018). Characterization by Dynamic in Situ and Laboratory Tests for Liquefaction Potential Evaluation during Emilia Romagna Earthquake. Geosciences (Switzerland). Volume 8, Issue 7, 29 June 2018, Article number 242. International Conferences P.Capilleri, M.R.Massimino, M.Maugeri (2002). ”Geotechnical earthquake hazards of Umbria and Marche Regions (Italy)”.Third International Conference on Risk Analysis (Sintra 2002) Vol. 5 pp 585-596 ISBN: 1-85312-915-09 ISSN: 1470-6326. Source Type: Book. Editors: Brebbia C.A. Sponsors: Wessex Institute of Technology Publisher: WIT Press. (Invited Lecture). P.Capilleri, M.R.Massimino, M.Maugeri (2003).”Evaluation of site effects on the destructive potential of earthquake ground motion in the town Sellano”. Fourth International Conference on Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures (Ancona, Italia, 22-24 September 2003). Vol.13 pp. 305-314. ISBN: 1-85312-984-4. ISSN: 1361617X .Editors: Latini G.,Brebbia C.A. WIT Press P.Capilleri, G.Lanzo, M.Maugeri, A.Pagliaroli (2005).”Site Effects Evaluation in Sellano (Italy) by means of 1-D and 2-D numerical analysis (Italy)” Fifth International Conference on Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures - ERES 2005 30 May-01 June 2005, Skiathos, Greece. Vol. 81.pp.73-82. ISBN: 1-84564-018-7. ISSN: 17433509 WIT Press (Invited lecture). G.Biondi, P.Capilleri, M.Maugeri (2006). ”Dynamic behaviour of earth-retaining structures by means of shaking table tests” Eighth U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering 18-22 April 2006, San Francisco, California. Vol. 11, Pages 6514-6523. ISBN/ISSN: 978-161567044-4.Sponsors: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA),United States Geological Survey (USGS),National Science Foundation (NSF),Munich Reinsurance,Public Entity Risk Institute (PERI). P.Capilleri, M.Maugeri (2008).”Geotechnical seismic hazard evaluation at sellano (Umbria,Italy) using GIS technique”. MERCEA ‘08 8-11 Luglio 2008, Reggio Calabria Italia. Vol. 1020 pp. 232-239 Part 1-2 CPI1020, 2008 Seismic Engineering Conference Commemorating the 1908 Messina and Reggio Calabria Earthquake, edited by A. Santini and N. Moraci © 2008 American Institute of Physics ISBN:978-0-7354-0542-4. P.Capilleri, M.Maugeri, E.Raciti (2009).”A procedure for the evaluation of urban areas geotechnical risk: the case of Centuripe town”. First International Conference on Disaster Management and Human Health Risk: Reducing Risk, Improving Outcomes. New Forest, UK, 23 - 25 September 2009.Vol.110 pp. 357-368. ISSN: 1743-3509 ISBN:978-184564202-0 doi:10.2495/DMAN090311. © Wit Press. P.Capilleri, M.Maugeri, E.Raciti (2010). ”Geotechnical seismic risk evaluation in seismic areas”. Proc. Fifth International Conference on Recent Advances In Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering And Soil Dynamics and Symposium in honors of Professor I. M.Idriss, May 24-29, 2010, paper 6.13b ISBN #1-887009-16-7., ISBN #1-8870009-15-9. P.Capilleri, A. Cavallaro, S. Grasso, M. Maugeri (2012). “Dynamic soil characterization of different test sites for microzonation of Catania city”. Second International Conference On Performance-Based Design In Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering May 28-30, 2012 - Taormina (Italy). ISBN: 978-8-8555-3178-8. Patron Editor. paper N2.16 P.Capilleri, M.Maugeri, E.Raciti (2012). “Geotechnical seismic hazard evaluation at Siracusa (Sicily) using GIS techniques”. Second International Conference On Performance-Based Design In Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering May 28-30, 2012 - Taormina (Italy) ISBN: 978-8-8555-3178-8. Patron Editor. paper N 1.25 Fioravante V., Giretti D., Abate G., Aversa S., Boldini D., Capilleri P. P.,Cavallaro A., Chamlagain D., Crespellani T., Dezi F., Facciorusso J., Ghinelli A., Grasso S., Lanzo G., Madiai C., Massimino M. R., Maugeri M., Pagliaroli A., Ranieri C., Tropeano G., Santucci De Magistris F., Sica S., Silvestri F. and Vannucchi G.(2013): "Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering Aspects: The 2012 Emilia Romagna Earthquake (Italy)"; Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, Wheeling(Chicago, II Area), 29 April - 4 May 2013, paper n°.EQ-5 pp. 1-34.Seventh International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering and Symposium in Honour of Clyde Baker.ISBN: 1-887009-17-5.Invited Lecture. P.Capilleri, A.Cavallaro, M.Maugeri, (2015).Soil Characterisation of Catania Harbour by the Seismic Dilatometer Marchetti Test (SDMT) “. 3rd International Conference on the Flat Dilatometer. 14-16 Giugno 2015. Marchetti, Monaco e Viana da Fonseca edition. ISBN 978-88-97517-05-4. Banna G., Capilleri P.P., Massimino M.R., Motta E.(2015). Geotechnical characterization of Mount Etna ash for its reuse preserving human health. Volcanic Rocks and Soils Workshop Isle of Ischia, Italy 24-25 September, 2015. ISCHIA. Volcanic Rocks and Soils – Rotonda et al. (eds) © 2016 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02886-9. Invited Lecture. G. Biondi, P. Capilleri, E. Motta. (2016). Seismic-induced displacements of rigid retaining walls: shaking table test results and numerical predictions. 1st International Workshop on Metrology for Geotechnics Benevento, Italy, March 17-18, 2016. Metro Geotechnics Pages 181-186 ISBN: 978-929900750-1. Publisher: IMEKO-International Measurement Federation Secretariat. Cafiso S. D'agostino C., Capace B.,Motta E., Capilleri P. (2016). Comparison of in situ devices for the assessment of pavement subgrade stiffness. 1st International Workshop on Metrology for Geotechnics Benevento, Italy, March 17-18, 2016. Metro Geotechnics Pages 104-114 ISBN: 978-929900750-1. Publisher: IMEKO-International Measurement Federation Secretariat. Imposa S., Motta E., P. Capilleri, Imposa G. (2016). HVSR and MASW seismic survey for characterizing the local seismic response: a case study in Catania area (Italy). 1st International Workshop on Metrology for Geotechnics Benevento, Italy, March 17-18, 2016. Metro Geotechnics Pages 97-102 ISBN: 978-929900750-1. Publisher: IMEKO-International Measurement Federation Secretariat. National Conferences G.Biondi P.Capilleri, M.Maugeri, E.Motta (2004). “Interazione muro-terreno in condizioni dinamiche mediante sperimentazione su tavola vibrante”. XI Convegno Nazionale Anidis - L'ingegneria Sismica in Italia. Genova, 25-29 Gennaio 2004. ISBN: 88-86281-98-6. Associazione Nazionale Italiana di Ingegneria Sismica. P.Capilleri, A.Cavallaro, M.Maugeri (2004).”Caratterizzazione statica e dinamica dei terreni del centro storico di Sellano”. XI Convegno Nazionale Anidis - L'ingegneria Sismica in Italia. Genova, 25-29 Gennaio 2004. ISBN: 88-86281-98-6. P.Capilleri, M.Maugeri (2008).”Proprietà dinamiche dei terreni del centro storico di sellano attraverso prove di RCT CLTST e DSDSS “IARG 2008 ”, Incontro Annuale Ricercatori Geotecnica 15-17 Settembre 2008, Catania Italia. ISBN: 978-88-555-3011-8 (Invited lecture). P.Capilleri, A.Cavallaro, S.Grasso, M.Maugeri, (2009).”Caratterizzazione geotecnica e amplificazione sismica nella zona industriale di Catania”. XIII Convegno Nazionale Anidis - L'ingegneria Sismica in Italia. Bologna, 28 Giugno-2 Luglio 2009. ISBN: 978-88-904292-00. P.Capilleri, A.Cavallaro, S.Grasso, M.Maugeri, (2011). ”Caratterizzazione dinamica dei terreni per la ricostruzione a seguito del terremoto di Santa Venerina (CT) del 29 Ottobre 2002”. XXIV Convegno Nazionale di Geotecnica Innovazione Tecnologica nell'Ingegneria Geotecnica. Napoli, 22-24 Giugno 2011. ISBN: 9788897517047. Ed. AGI F.Attaguile, P.Capilleri, D.Longo, M.Maugeri, (2011). ”Analisi e valutazione del moto sismico di un deposito sabbioso attraverso prove su tavola vibrante”. Incontro Annuale Ricercatori Geotecnica 4-6 Luglio 2011, Torino, Italia (Invited lecture).. P.Capilleri, M.Maugeri, E Motta, M. Todaro (2013). ”FEM- analysis of the behaviour of a reinforced earth wall”. XV Convegno Nazionale Anidis - L'ingegneria Sismica in Italia. Padova, 30 Giugno-4 Luglio 2013. (Invited lecture). ISBN: 978-88-9738-559-2 P.Capilleri, A.Cavallaro, V.Mare, M.Maugeri, (2013). ”Static and dynamic characterization of soil in a reinforced earth wall” XV Convegno Nazionale Anidis - L'ingegneria Sismica in Italia. Padova, 30 Giugno-4 Luglio 2013(Invited lecture). ISBN: 978-88-9738-559-2 paper 1836. F.Campione, P.P. Capilleri, M.R. Massimino, M.Maugeri(2013). ”Terremoto dell'Emilia Romagna 2012: risposta sismica locale sulla base di prove SDMT”. Incontro Annuale Ricercatori Geotecnica 16-18 Settembre 2013, Perugia, Italia (Invited Lecture). Capilleri P., Maugeri M., Motta E., Raciti E.(2014). “Una metodologia per la raccolta e la gestione di dati per la valutazione del rischio sismico”. XXV Convegno Nazionale di Geotecnica La Geotecnica nella difesa del territorio e delle infrastrutture dai rischi. Baveno (VB), 4-6 Giugno 2014.ISBN 978-88-97517-05-4 Invited Lecture. XXV CNG – AGI – Roma – ISBN 978-88-97517-05-4 Ed. AGI P.P. Capilleri, M.R. Massimino, M.Motta, Raciti E., Todaro M. (2015).” Studio sperimentale del comportamento di un terreno incoerente in stato passivo soggetto a un carico applicato da una piastra rigida”. Incontro Annuale Ricercatori Geotecnica 24-26 Giugno 2015, Cagliari, Italia (Invited Lecture). ISBN: 978-88-97517-078. (Published on CD-ROM). Barone G., Mazzoleni P., Capilleri P., Massimino M.R., Motta E., Raccuia S.A. (2015). “Geotechnical and environmental aspects of the use of Mt. Etna volcanic tephras in embankment structures”. Il Pianeta Dinamico: sviluppi e prospettive a 100 anni da Wegener. Congresso congiunto SIMP-AIV-SoGeI-SGI Firenze 2-4 Settembre 2015. Poster. P.P. Capilleri, E. Motta, E. Raciti, M. Todaro (2016) “Seismic response of some sites in Eastern Sicily through 2-D FEM analysis”.VI Convegno Nazionale dei Ricercatori di Ingegneria Geotecnica (CNRIG) Bologna, 22 - 23 Settembre 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2016.08.483. ISSN: 18777058. Publisher: Elsevier Ltd P.P. Capilleri, E. Motta, E. Raciti (2016).”Experimental study on native plant root tensile strength for slope stabilization”. VI Convegno Nazionale dei Ricercatori di Ingegneria Geotecnica (CNRIG) Bologna, 22 - 23 Settembre 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2016.08.483. ISSN: 18777058. Publisher: Elsevier Ltd P.P. Capilleri, M.Cuomo, M.Motta, Todaro M. (2017).” Studio sperimentale sulla resistenza a trazione di radici di piante autoctone per interventi di stabilizzazione dei pendii”. Incontro Annuale Ricercatori Geotecnica 5-7 Luglio 2017, Matera, Italia (Invited Lecture). ISBN: 978-88-99414-0-0. (Published on CD-ROM). P.P. Capilleri, M.Motta, A. Saglimbene Todaro M. (2017).” Comportamento dinamico di opere di sostegno in gabbioni”. Incontro Annuale Ricercatori Geotecnica 5-7 Luglio 2017, Matera, Italia (Invited Lecture). ISBN: 978-88-99414-0-0. (Published on CD-ROM). AFFILIATIONSCatania Society of Civil Engineering ( http://ording.ct.it/ ) AGI – Italian Geotechnical Society ( http://associazionegeotecnica.it/ )