Full Professor
Address: Dip. Ingegneria dell'Informazione. L.go L.Lazzarino, 1. I-56122 Pisa. ITALY.
E-mail: ti.ipinu@izzognim.ozne
Phone (direct): +39 050 2217 655
Phone (switch): +39 050 2217 599
Enzo Mingozzi is a full professor at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Pisa, Italy. He received a Laurea (cum laude) degree and a PhD in Computer Systems Engineering in 1995 and 2000, respectively, from the same university.
His research activities concern networking systems and pervasive computing, with particular interest in the areas of design and performance evaluation of architectures, protocols and algorithms for mobile edge/fog computing, the Internet of Things (IoT), resource optimization and Quality of Service (QoS) support, and, more recently, the Quantum Internet. He has been involved in several national (FIRB, PRIN, PON) and international (Eurescom, EU) projects, as well as research projects supported by private companies (including Telecom Italia Lab, Nokia, and Nokia Siemens Networks). He also actively took part in the standardization process of HIPERLAN/2 and HIPERACCESS networks in the framework of the ETSI project Broadband Radio Access Networks (BRAN). He is co-author of ~160 peer-reviewed papers in international journals and conference proceedings, five book chapters and ten patents (Google Scholar, Scopus).
He is currently Topical Editor (Services, Applications, and Other Topics for IoT) of the Internet of Things Journal (IEEE), Technical Editor (IoT Computing Platforms) of the IEEE Academy on Internet of Things, and on the Editorial Board of Computer Networks (Elsevier). He was also guest editor of several journal special issues on topics related to computer networks. He served in the organizing and technical program committee of several international conferences, and was a co-founder of the IEEE IoT-SoS and IEEE MeshTech workshops.