activities in the area of basic and applied fluid dynamics
are carried out at the Department of Aerospace Engineering
using both experimental and numerical techniques. The investigations
have been and are supported through both institutional funds
(Italian Ministry of University, CNR, European Commission)
and research contracts with several industries and research
institutions. In the following a brief description of the
main resarch areas is given
Aerodynamics of lifting surfaces An extensive research activity
has been devoted to the study of non-conventional lifting
systems, such as forward-swept wings and canard configurations.
Experiments have been conducted both in the subsonic wind
tunnel of the Department and in the medium speed wind tunnel
of CSIR (South Africa), within an extensive research cooperation.
The obtained data are compared with the results of CFD computations,
using both codes developed within the Department (such as
potential panel methods and non-linear vortex-lattice methods)
and commercial codes for the solution of the RANS equations.
A significant activity is being carried out to validate the
numerical procedures and to develop new codes for the optimization
of lifting configurations.
Lombardi G. – Canard Tip Vortex Splitting in a Canard-Wing
Configuration: Experimental Observation. Journal of Aircraft,
Vol. 32, No.4, July/Aug. 1995, pp. 875-877.
Lombardi G., Salvetti M.V., Pinelli D.- Numerical Evaluation
of Airfoil Friction Drag. Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 37, No.
2, March-April 2000, pp. 354-356.
Wall-interference effects in wind tunnels Experimental and
numerical techniques are being used to develop new procedures
for the correction of wall-interference effects in subsonic
and transonic wind tunnels. This activity is also part of
the research agreement with CSIR (Council for Scientific and
Industrial Research, South Africa).
Lombardi G., Salvetti M.V. – Effect of a Splitter Plate
on Transonic Wing Flow: a Numerical Study. Journal of Aircraft,
Vol. 36, No. 4, July-Aug. 1999, pp. 718-720.
Bluff Body Aerodynamics Research activities have been carried
out for many years at the Department in the field of bluff
body aerodynamics, regarding both basic aspects and engineering
applications, and this research area remains one of the most
important within the Fluid Dynamics research group. The main
topics of interest, which are currently being analysed using
both experimental and numerical techniques, are:
- Characterization of vortex shedding from two-dimensional
and three-dimensional cylindrical and prismatic bodies, and
of the related unsteady loads.
- Analysis of the influence of afterbody rounding on the base
drag of axisymmetrical bodies.
Buresti G., Fedeli R, Ferraresi A. - Influence of afterbody
rounding on the pressure drag of an axisymmetrical bluff body.
J. Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 69-71,
1997, pp. 179-188.
Buresti G., Lombardi G., Talamelli A. - Low aspect-ratio triangular
prisms in cross-flow: measurements of the wake fluctuating
velocity field. J. Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics,
Vol. 74-76, 1998, pp. 463-473.
Buresti G. - Vortex shedding from bluff bodies. In “Wind
Effects on Buildings and Structures” (Riera J.D., Davenport
A.G., Eds.), Balkema, Rotterdam, 1998, pp. 61-95.
Buresti G., Lombardi G. - Experimental evaluation of the mean
and fluctuating forces on finite-length triangular prisms
in cross-flow. “International Symposium on Bluff Bodies
Aerodynamic Applications”, Sept. 2000, Bochum, Germany.
Aerodynamics of high-performance cars Since 1992 the Department
has carried out activities connected with the aerodynamic
design of high-performance cars, and a research agreement
has been established with Ferrari Auto envisaging a continuous
cooperation in basic and applied investigations of mutual
interest. In particular, a new numerical optimization procedure
was developed, which allows desired aerodynamic characteristics
to be obtained taking into account the geometrical constraints
imposed by style requirements. As a result of the research
agreement, the Department has been and is still involved in
the aerodynamic design of the new Ferrari production cars.
Lombardi G., Manacorda G., Paap H.G., Vicerè A. –
Optimized Aerodynamic Design for High Performance Cars. AIAA
Paper 98-4789. Presentato al 7th AIAA/USAF/NASA/ISSMO Symposium
on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization, St. Louis,
Sept. 1998.
Measurement and analysis procedures for characterization
of turbulent flows
New hot-wire measurement procedures were developed for the
characterization up to second-order moments of highly turbulent
flow fields using X-wire probes. Pressure probes for the direct
measurement of the streamwise vorticity component were also
More recently, new techniques for the analysis of fluctuating
signals are being developed for the characterization of turbulent
and transitional flows, and, more generally, of unsteady flow
fields, such as bluff body wakes. These procedures are based
on the continuous complex wavelet transform, which permits
to obtain the time variation of the contribution of the different
frequencies present in a signal to various physical quantities,
such as its energy or its correlation with another signal.
Futhermore, intermittent fluctuations that are slowly-modulated
in frequency and amplitude may be extracted to facilitate
the study of their connection with different physical mechanisms.
Buresti G.; Lombardi G. - Application of continuous wavelet
transforms to the analysis of experimental turbulent velocity
signals. In: “Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena –
1” (S. Banerjee, J.K. Eaton Eds.), Begell House Inc.,
1999, pp. 767-772.
M.V. Salvetti, G. Lombardi, F. Beux, ``Application of a wavelet
cross-correlation technique to the analysis of mixing'', AIAA
Journal, Vol. 37, No. 8, August 1999.
Coaxial Jets The study of the aerodynamics of coaxial jets
is of great interest both for engineering applications (as
the design of new generation industrial burners) and for basic
research in developing turbulent flows. The Department started
the experimental activity in this field within research contracts
with ENEL, and investigations are presently being carried
out using both numerical analysis and the new coaxial jet
facility of the laboratory, which allows different and highly
controlled flow configurations to be studied.
Buresti G., Petagna P., Talamelli A. - Experimental investigation
on the turbulent near- field of coaxial jets. Experimental
Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 17, 1998, pp.18-26.
Salvetti M.V., Orlandi P., Verzicco R., "Numerical Simulations
of Transitional Axisymmetric Coaxial Jets", AIAA Journal,
Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 736-743, Aprile 1996.
Numerical models The department has a significant experience
in the development of potential-flow codes for aeronautical
applications, and in the use of codes for the solution of
the Navier Stokes equations (Direct Numerical Simulation and
RANS). Presently, the main research activity in computational
fluid dynamics concerns the development of reduced-order models
for the simulation of turbulent flows. In particular, significant
contributions have been given in the field of Large Eddy Simulation
(LES), with the introduction of a new subgrid scale model.
The potential of methods based on Proper Orthogal Decomposition
(POD) are also being deeply investigated. The different numerical
codes are used in conjunction with experiments in the investigations
regarding coaxial jets, turbulence development, and bluff
body aerodynamics. The capabilities of the LES approach for
industrial applications on unstructured grids are also being
investigated in collaboration with INRIA (Institut National
de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, France).
L. Polito, “Note sui potenziali di Liénard-Wiechert
nell’Aerodinamica e nella Teoria della Relatività”,
Atti del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aerospaziale, Università
degli Studi di Pisa, A.D.I.A. 95-1, Gennaio 1995.
M.V. Salvetti, Y. Zang, R.L. Street, S. Banerjee, "Large-eddy
simulation of free-surface decaying turbulence with dynamic
subgrid-scale models", Physics of Fluis, Vol. 9, No.
8, pp. 2405-2419, 1997.
M.V. Salvetti, F. Beux, "The effect of the numerical
scheme on the subgrid scale term in large-eddy simulation",
Physics of Fluids, Vol. 10, No. 11, pp. 3020-3023, 1998.
M.V. Salvetti, R. Damiani, F. Beux, ``3D coarse large-eddy
simulations of the flow above two-dimensional sinusoidal waves'',
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, vol.
34, 2001.