
Paolo Sebastiano VALVO

Associate Professor of Structural Mechanics (Scienza delle Costruzioni)
at the Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering of the University of Pisa

«Il y a des équilibres qui viennent de tant de détails inconnus qu'on se demande
s'ils sont possibles, si le moindre souffle ne les renverserait pas.»

(L'aigle à deux têtes, 1946)


  • A physically consistent virtual crack closure technique for mixed-mode fracture problems
    Lublin University of Technology (Lublin, Poland, 18 June 2019)
  • Analytical modelling of delamination: from rigid interfaces to discontinuous cohesive laws
    Lublin University of Technology (Lublin, Poland, 13 June 2018)
  • Stress analysis of wind turbine blades based on an extended shear formula
    CISM - International Centre for Mechanical Sciences (Udine, Italy, 28 February 2018)
  • Theoretical modelling of FRP strengthened beams
    University of Pisa, School of Engineering (Pisa, Italy, 22 September 2017)
  • Analytical solutions for modelling delamination of composite laminates: from elastic interface models to discontinuous cohesive laws
    IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca (Lucca, Italy, 26 February 2016)
  • Modelling the double cantilever beam test with bending moments by using bilinear discontinuous cohesive laws
    Technical University of Denmark, DTU Wind Energy (Risų Campus, Denmark, 18 June 2015)
  • My research stay at DTU Wind Energy (Sept. 2014 - Feb. 2015)
    University of Pisa, Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering (Pisa, Italy, 13 March 2015)
  • Asymmetrically delaminated laminates and unbalanced adhesive joints: analytical models and proposals for experimental activity
    Technical University of Denmark, DTU Wind Energy (Risų Campus, Denmark, 5 September 2014)
  • Towards a revised formulation of the virtual crack closure technique (VCCT)
    University of Pisa, Department of Civil Engineering (Pisa, Italy, 27 January 2011)
  • Elastic equilibrium stability of space structures
    University of Naples "Federico II", Department of Structural Engineering (Naples, Italy, 18 December 2006)
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