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«There's no problem, only solutions.»
Indexed journals [J.40] VALVO, Paolo S. (2025): Symmetric stiffness matrices for isoparametric finite elements in nonlinear elasticity, Computational Mechanics, 79, 919-943.
[J.39] IZADI, Milad; ABEDI, Maryam; VALVO, Paolo S. (2024): Free vibration analysis of a functionally graded porous triangular plate with arbitrary shape and elastic boundary conditions using an isogeometric approach, Thin-Walled Structures, 205, 112422:1-18.
[J.38] JAFARI-TALOOKOLAEI, Ramazan-Ali; SADRIPOUR, Saman; VALVO, Paolo S. (2024): In-plane and out-of-plane vibration analysis of laminated composite frames with warping effects, Composite Structures, 331, 117895:1-18.
[J.37] HESHMATI, Amirhossein; JAFARI-TALOOKOLAEI, Ramazan-Ali; VALVO, Paolo S.; SAADATMORAD, Morteza (2024): Free and forced vibration analysis of laminated composite beams with through-the-width delamination by considering the in-plane and out-of-plane deformations, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 31 (23), 5953-5972.
[J.36] HESHMATI, Amirhossein; JAFARI-TALOOKOLAEI, Ramazan-Ali; VALVO, Paolo S.; SAADATMORAD, Morteza (2023): A novel damage detection technique for laminated composite beams under the action of a moving load, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 202, 110692:1-32.
[J.35] MUJIKA, Faustino; TSOKANAS, Panayiotis; ARRESE, Ainhoa; VALVO, Paolo S.; DA SILVA, Lucas F.M. (2023): Mode decoupling in interlaminar fracture toughness tests on bimaterial specimens, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 290, 109454:1-19.
[J.34] FALKOWICZ, Katarzyna; VALVO, Paolo S. (2023): Influence of Composite Lay-Up on the Stability of Channel-Section Profiles Weakened by Cut-Outs: A Numerical Investigation, Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal, 17 (1), 108-115.
[J.33] VALVO, Paolo S. (2022): Derivation of symmetric secant stiffness matrices for nonlinear finite element analysis, Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal, 16 (6), 118-125.
[J.32] FALKOWICZ, Katarzyna; SAMBORSKI, Sylwester; VALVO, Paolo S. (2022): Effects of Elastic Couplings in a Compressed Plate Element with Cut-Out, Materials, 15 (21), 7752:1-14.
[J.31] JAFARI-TALOOKOLAEI, Ramazan-Ali; ATTAR, Mostafa; VALVO, Paolo S.; LOTFINEJAD-JALALI, Farzaneh; GHASEMI SHIRSAVAR, Seyedeh Farzaneh; SAADATMORAD, Morteza (2022): Flapwise and Chordwise Free Vibration Analysis of a Rotating Laminated Composite Beam, Composite Structures, 292, 115694:1-17.
[J.30] MOBARAKI, Hossein A.; JAFARI-TALOOKOLAEI, Ramazan-Ali; VALVO, Paolo S.; HAGHANI, Reza (2022): Forced Vibration Analysis of Laminated Composite Plates under the Action of a Moving Vehicle, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 16 (59), 15:198-211.
[J.29] MOBARAKI, Hossein A.; JAFARI-TALOOKOLAEI, Ramazan-Ali; VALVO, Paolo S.; HAGHANI, Reza (2022): Dynamic analysis of a laminated composite plate coupled with a piezoelectric energy harvester and traversed by a moving vehicle, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 29 (27), 6835-3853.
[J.28] RAMIAN, Arash; JAFARI-TALOOKOLAEI, Ramazan-Ali; VALVO, Paolo S.; ABEDI, Maryam (2022): Fluid-structure-soil interaction effects on the free vibrations of functionally graded sandwich plates, Engineering with Computers, 38 (Suppl. 3), S1901-S1921.
[J.27] FARSANI, Sajjad Riahi; RAMIAN, Arash; JAFARI-TALOOKOLAEI, Ramazan-Ali; VALVO, Paolo S.; ABEDI, Maryam (2021): Free vibration analysis of rectangular sandwich plates with compressible core and various boundary conditions, Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 23 (8), 4077-4106.
[J.26] RAMIAN, Arash; JAFARI-TALOOKOLAEI, Ramazan-Ali; VALVO, Paolo S.; ABEDI, Maryam (2021): Free vibration analysis of a laminated composite sandwich plate with compressible core placed at the bottom of a tank filled with fluid, Structures, 29, 1259-1273.
[J.25] FARSANI, Sajjad Riahi; JAFARI-TALOOKOLAEI, Ramazan-Ali; VALVO, Paolo S.; GOUDARZI, Ali Moazemi (2021): Free vibration analysis of functionally graded porous plates in contact with bounded fluid, Ocean Engineering, 219, 108285:1-18.
[J.24] VALVO, Paolo S. (2020): A Bimodal Lognormal Distribution Model for the Prediction of COVID-19 Deaths, Applied Sciences, 10 (23), 8500:1-24.
[J.23] RAMIAN, Arash; JAFARI-TALOOKOLAEI, Ramazan-Ali; VALVO, Paolo S.; ABEDI, Maryam (2020): Free vibration analysis of sandwich plates with compressible core in contact with fluid, Thin-Walled Structures, 157, 107088:1-18.
[J.22] DADEJ, Konrad; VALVO, Paolo S.; BIENIAŚ, Jarosław (2020): The Effect of Transverse Shear in Symmetric and Asymmetric End Notch Flexure Tests - Analytical and Numerical Modeling, Materials, 13 (14), 3046:1-26.
[J.21] RZECZKOWSKI, Jakub; SAMBORSKI, Sylwester; VALVO, Paolo S. (2020): Effect of stiffness matrices terms on delamination front shape in laminates with elastic couplings, Composite Structures, 223, 111547:1-9.
[J.20] DADEJ, Konrad; BIENIAŚ, Jarosław; VALVO, Paolo S. (2020): Experimental Testing and Analytical Modeling of Asymmetric End-Notched Flexure Tests on Glass-Fiber Metal Laminates, Metals, 10 (1), 56:1-17.
[J.19] BENNATI, Stefano; FISICARO, Paolo; TAGLIALEGNE, Luca; VALVO, Paolo S. (2019): An elastic interface model for the delamination of bending-extension coupled laminates, Applied Sciences, 9 (17), 3560:1-28.
— (2020): Correction: Bennati et al. An elastic interface model for the delamination of bending-extension coupled laminates. App. Sci. 2019, 9, 3560, Applied Sciences, 10 (5), 1711:1-2.
[J.18] ALOCCI, Cristiano; VALVO, Paolo S. (2019): Feasibility study of a hybrid FRP-steel cable-stayed pedestrian swing bridge, Engineering Structures, 189, 359-372.
[J.17] BERTOLINI, Paola; EDER, Martin A.; TAGLIALEGNE, Luca; VALVO, Paolo S. (2019): Stresses in constant tapered beams with thin-walled rectangular and circular cross sections, Thin-Walled Structures, 137 (44), 527-540.
[J.16] VALVO, Paolo S. (2018): The effects of shear on Mode II delamination: a critical review, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 12 (44), 123-139.
[J.15] BENNATI, Stefano; COLONNA, Davide; VALVO, Paolo S. (2016): Evaluation of the increased load bearing capacity of steel beams strengthened with pre-stressed FRP laminates, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 10 (38), 377-391.
[J.14] VALVO, Paolo S. (2016): On the calculation of energy release rate and mode mixity in delaminated laminated beams, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 165, 114-139.
[J.13] ABEDI, Maryam; JAFARI-TALOOKOLAEI, Ramazan-Ali; VALVO, Paolo S. (2016): A new solution method for free vibration analysis of rectangular laminated composite plates with general stacking sequences and edge restraints, Computers and Structures, 175, 144-156.
[J.12] VALVO, Paolo S. (2015): A further step towards a physically consistent virtual crack closure technique, International Journal of Fracture, 192 (2), 235-244.
[J.11] LIU, Zunxu; HUANG, YongAn; YIN, Zhouping; BENNATI, Stefano; VALVO, Paolo S. (2014): A general solution for the two-dimensional stress analysis of balanced and unbalanced adhesively bonded joints, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 54, 112-123.
[J.10] LIU, Zunxu; VALVO, Paolo S.; HUANG, YongAn; YIN, Zhouping (2013): Cohesive failure analysis of an array of IC chips bonded to a stretched substrate, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 50 (22-23), 3528-3538.
[J.9] BENNATI, Stefano; FISICARO, Paolo; VALVO, Paolo S. (2013): An enhanced beam-theory model of the mixed-mode bending (MMB) test - Part II: applications and results, Meccanica, 48 (2), 465-484.
— (2013): Erratum to: An enhanced beam-theory model of the mixed-mode bending (MMB) test - Part II: applications and results, Meccanica, 48 (2), 485.
[J.8] BENNATI, Stefano; FISICARO, Paolo; VALVO, Paolo S. (2013): An enhanced beam-theory model of the mixed-mode bending (MMB) test - Part I: literature review and mechanical model, Meccanica, 48 (2), 443-462.
— (2013): Erratum to: An enhanced beam-theory model of the mixed-mode bending (MMB) test - Part I: literature review and mechanical model, Meccanica, 48 (2), 463.
[J.7] BENNATI, Stefano; DARDANO, Nicola; VALVO, Paolo S. (2012): A mechanical model for FRP-strengthened beams in bending, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 6 (22), 39-55.
[J.6] VALVO, Paolo S. (2012): A revised virtual crack closure technique for physically consistent fracture mode partitioning, International Journal of Fracture, 173 (1), 1-20.
[J.5] BENNATI, Stefano; COLLELUORI, Massimiliano; CORIGLIANO, Domenico; VALVO, Paolo S. (2009): An enhanced beam-theory model of the asymmetric double cantilever beam (ADCB) test for composite laminates, Composites Science and Technology, 69 (11-12), 1735-1745.
— (2012): Erratum to “An enhanced beam-theory model of the asymmetric double cantilever beam (ADCB) test for composite laminates” [Compos Sci Technol 2009;69(11-12):1735-1745], Composites Science and Technology, 72 (14), 1791.
[J.4] LIGARÒ, Salvatore S.; VALVO, Paolo S. (2006): Large displacement analysis of elastic pyramidal trusses, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 43 (16), 4867-4887.
[J.3] BENNATI, Stefano; VALVO, Paolo S. (2006): Delamination growth in composite plates under compressive fatigue loads, Composites Science and Technology, 66 (2), 248-254.
[J.2] BENNATI, Stefano; VALVO, Paolo S. (2002): An elastic interface model for delamination buckling in laminated plates, Key Engineering Materials, 221-222, 293-306.
[J.1] LIGARÒ, Salvatore; VALVO, Paolo (1999): A self-adaptive strategy for uniformly accurate tracing of the equilibrium paths of elastic reticulated structures, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 46 (6), 783-804.
Non-indexed journals [R.9] GASENGE, Mattia; VALVO, Paolo S.; ALIOTTA, Laura; LAZZERI, Andrea (2024): On the effects of the interphase on the damping of CFRP structures: an experimental investigation, Journal of Technology and Exploitation in Mechanical Engineering, 10 (1), 1-7.
[R.8] TSOKANAS, Panayiotis; FISICARO, Paolo; LOUTAS, Theodoros; VALVO, Paolo S. (2023): Interfacial fracture toughness of unconventional specimens: some key issues, Journal of Technology and Exploitation in Mechanical Engineering, 9 (1), 1-10.
[R.7] FISICARO, Paolo; PASINI, Angelo; VALVO, Paolo S. (2022): Modelling of Deployable Cable Nets for Active Space Debris Removal, Journal of Technology and Exploitation in Mechanical Engineering, 8 (1), 21-25.
[R.6] DARDANO, Nicola; PAGGI, Marco; BENNATI, Stefano; VALVO, Paolo S. (2022): Delamination Buckling in Four-Point Bending Tests - An Experimental Investigation, Journal of Technology and Exploitation in Mechanical Engineering, 8 (1), 8-14.
[R.5] CERRI, Stefano; BURATTI, Giovanni; VALVO, Paolo S.; VITI, Italo (2019): Gli effetti dinamici del moto delle campane: il caso del campanile di San Francesco a Pietrasanta, Galileo, Anno XIV, n. 2, p. 23-31.
[R.4] DAVINI, Erika; VALVO, Paolo S.; RICCI, Fabio; VELTKAMP, Martijn; HAGHANI, Reza (2018): Il progetto SUREBridge / The SUREBridge project, Compositi Magazine, Year 13, Issue 47, p. 8-14.
[R.3] DAVINI, Erika; VALVO, Paolo S. (2017): Composite Materials for the Sustainable Refurbishment of Bridges, EnginSoft Newsletter, Year 14, Issue 4, p. 27-29. [R.2] PASQUALE, Antonfranco; RICCI, Fabio; MIRANDA SANTOS, Juan Carlos; VALVO, Paolo S.; DAVINI, Erika; ALOCCI, Cristiano (2017): Il progetto europeo SUREBridge - Un utilizzo innovativo dei materiali compositi per il recupero sostenibile dei ponti stradali esistenti, Galileo, Anno XII, n. 1, p. 17-26.
[R.1] VALVO, Paolo (2009): A guardia del porto - La Torre Direzionale del Porto turistico "Marina Cala de' Medici", L'Industria Italiana del Cemento, Anno LXXIX, n. 853, p. 380-393.
International conferences[C.57] VALVO, Paolo S. (2024): Position-based finite element formulation for the analysis of wrinkled membranes, EUROMECH Colloquium 642 - International Colloquium on Multiscale and Multiphysics Modelling for Advanced and Sustainable Materials (Rome, Italy, 22-27 September 2024). [C.56] VALVO, Paolo S. (2024): Nonlinear analysis of hyperelastic membranes, SNP 2024 - 58th Meeting of the Society for Natural Philosophy (Aarhus, Denmark, 10-12 June 2024). [C.55] VALVO, Paolo S. (2024): Nonlinear finite element analysis of membranes using the position-based formulation, WECM'24 - 3rd Workshop on Experimental and Computational Mechanics (Lublin, Poland, 27-28 May 2024). [C.54] TSOKANAS, Panayiotis; DA SILVA, Lucas F.M.; MUJIKA, Faustino; ARRESE, Ainhoa; FISICARO, Paolo; VALVO, Paolo S. (2024): On the decoupling of fracture modes in interlaminar fracture tests on bimaterial specimens. In: Papanicolaou G., Mouzakis D. (eds.) Proceedings of the ICSAAM 2023 - 10th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Advanced Materials (Zakynthos, Greece, 10-14 September 2023), p. 4-7, Patras University Press. [C.53] VALVO, Paolo S. (2023): The Finite Element Method in Solid and Structural Mechanics, IDCW 2023 - 1st Interdisciplinary Doctoral Conference and Workshop (Lublin, Poland, 7-10 November 2023). [C.52] FISICARO, Paolo; PASINI, Angelo; VALVO, Paolo S. (2023): Deployable cable nets for active removal of derelict rocket bodies, WECM'23 - 2nd Workshop on Experimental and Computational Mechanics (Pisa, Italy, 20-22 September 2023). [C.51] TSOKANAS, Panayiotis; DA SILVA, Lucas F.M.; FISICARO, Paolo; VALVO, Paolo S. (2023): On the conditions for pure-mode fracture, WECM'23 - 2nd Workshop on Experimental and Computational Mechanics (Pisa, Italy, 20-22 September 2023). [C.50] RZECZKOWSKI, Jakub; SAMBORSKI, Sylwester; FANTERIA, Daniele; VALVO, Paolo S. (2023): Experimental and numerical study of delamination in composite laminates with bending-twisting elastic couplings, WECM'23 - 2nd Workshop on Experimental and Computational Mechanics (Pisa, Italy, 20-22 September 2023). [C.49] GASENGE, Mattia, HOAREAU, Christophe, ROULEAU, Lucie; DEÜ, Jean- François; VALVO, Paolo S. (2023): Experimental characterization and theoretical modeling of damping properties in CFRP composite structures, WECM'23 - 2nd Workshop on Experimental and Computational Mechanics (Pisa, Italy, 20-22 September 2023). [C.48] MOHASEB KARIMLOU, Mohammadreza; FANTERIA, Daniele; VALVO, Paolo S.; SAMBORSKI, Sylwester; RZECZKOWSKI, Jakub (2023): Mode III interlaminar fracture toughness of advanced composite materials: experimental testing and numerical modelling, WECM'23 - 2nd Workshop on Experimental and Computational Mechanics (Pisa, Italy, 20-22 September 2023). [C.47] FISICARO, Paolo; PASINI, Angelo; VALVO, Paolo S. (2023): Three-dimensional deployment of cable nets for active removal of space debris, NODYCON 2023 - 3rd International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (Rome, Italy, 18-22 June 2023). [C.46] HESHMATI, Amirhossein; SAADATMORAD, Morteza; JAFARI-TALOOKOLAEI, Ramazan-Ali; VALVO, Paolo S.; KATHIR, Samir (2023): Damage Identification in Thin Steel Beams Containing a Horizontal Crack Using the Artificial Neural Networks. In: CAPOZUCCA, R.; KHATIR, S.; MILANI, G. (eds) Proceedings of the International Conference of Steel and Composite for Engineering Structures - ICSCES 2022 (Ancona, Italy, 12-13 September 2022), Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol. 317, Springer, Cham, 2023.
[C.45] TSOKANAS, Panayiotis; FISICARO, Paolo; VALVO, Paolo S.; DA SILVA, Lucas F.M. (2023): Mode decoupling versus mode partitioning to determine pure-mode fractures in unconventional specimens, NewFrac Workshop 3 "Reaching Out" (Turin, Italy, 17-20 January 2023). [C.44] VALVO, Paolo S. (2022): Derivation of Symmetric Secant Stiffness Matrices for Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis, CMES 2022 - 7th International Conference of Computational Methods in Engineering Science (Zamość, Poland, 24-26 November 2022). [C.43] FISICARO, Paolo; PASINI, Angelo; VALVO, Paolo S. (2022): Simulation of Deployable Cable Nets for Active Debris Removal in Space, CMES 2022 - 7th International Conference of Computational Methods in Engineering Science (Zamość, Poland, 24-26 November 2022). In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2412, 012010:1-10.
[C.42] FALKOWICZ, Katarzyna; VALVO, Paolo S. (2022): The influence of composite lay-up on the stability of channel-section profiles weakened by cut-outs, CMES 2022 - 7th International Conference of Computational Methods in Engineering Science (Zamość, Poland, 24-26 November 2022). [C.41] TSOKANAS, Panayiotis; AKHAVAN-SAFAR, Alireza; VALVO, Paolo S.; LOUTAS, Theodoros; DA SILVA, Lucas F.M. (2022): Decoupling fracture modes in non-standard test specimens: state of the art, MS2022 - 1st International Conference on Mechanics of Solids (Porto, Portugal, 3-4 November 2022). [C.40] VALVO, Paolo S. (2022): Energetically Orthogonal Decomposition of Fracture Modes, WECM'22 - 1st Workshop on Experimental and Computational Mechanics (Lublin, Poland, 1 June 2022). [C.39] TSOKANAS, Panayiotis; FISICARO, Paolo; LOUTAS, Theodoros; VALVO, Paolo S. (2022): Fracture Toughness Analysis of Non-Conventional Specimens: Some Key Issues, WECM'22 - 1st Workshop on Experimental and Computational Mechanics (Lublin, Poland, 1 June 2022). [C.38] RZECZKOWSKI, Jakub; SAMBORSKI, Sylwester; VALVO, Paolo S.; PAŚNIK, Jakub (2022): Mode III Delamination in FRP Laminates with Elastic Couplings, WECM'22 - 1st Workshop on Experimental and Computational Mechanics (Lublin, Poland, 1 June 2022). [C.37] FISICARO, Paolo; PASINI, Angelo; VALVO, Paolo S. (2022): Modelling of Deployable Cable Nets for Active Space Debris Removal, WECM'22 - 1st Workshop on Experimental and Computational Mechanics (Lublin, Poland, 1 June 2022). [C.36] FALKOWICZ, Katarzyna; SAMBORSKI, Sylwester; VALVO, Paolo S. (2022): Validation of Elastic Couplings in a Compressed Laminate Plate Element, WECM'22 - 1st Workshop on Experimental and Computational Mechanics (Lublin, Poland, 1 June 2022). [C.35] DARDANO, Nicola; PAGGI, Marco; BENNATI, Stefano; VALVO, Paolo S. (2022): Delamination of Thin Layers Promoted by Local Buckling, WECM'22 - 1st Workshop on Experimental and Computational Mechanics (Lublin, Poland, 1 June 2022). [C.34] TSOKANAS, Panayiotis; LOUTAS, Theodoros; VALVO, Paolo S.; FISICARO, Paolo (2022): Interfacial fracture analysis of layered beams with elastic couplings and hygrothermal stresses using an elastic-interface model, NewFrac Workshop 2 "Expanding Horizons" (Lucca, Italy, 9-12 May 2022). [C.33] MOBARAKI, Hossein A.; JAFARI-TALOOKOLAEI, Ramazan-Ali; VALVO, Paolo S.; HAGHANI DOGAHEH, Reza (2021): Forced Vibration Analysis of Laminated Composite Plates under the Action of a Moving Vehicle, ICSCES 2021 - International Conference of Steel and Composite for Engineering Structures (Ancona, Italy, 12-13 July 2021). [C.32] BAGHERI-MARZI, Javad; JAFARI-TALOOKOLAEI, Ramazan-Ali; VALVO, Paolo S.; ABEDI, Maryam; SADRIPOUR, Saman (2021): Free Vibration Analysis of Laminated Composite Plates with Arbitrary Shape, ISAV 2020 - 10th International Conference on Acoustics and Vibration (Tehran, Iran, 17-18 February 2021). [C.31] VALVO, Paolo S. (2020): A physically consistent virtual crack closure technique accounting for contact and interpenetration, VECF 1 - 1st Virtual European Conference on Fracture (29 June-1 July 2020). In: Procedia Structural Integrity, 28, 2350-2369.
[C.30] VALVO, Paolo S.; SØRENSEN, Bent F. (2018): Discontinuous cohesive laws for modelling mixed-mode delamination, ESMC 2018 - 10th European Solid Mechanics Conference (Bologna, Italy, 2-6 July 2018). [C.29] FISICARO, Paolo; VALVO, Paolo S.; BORRI, Claudia (2018): Evaluation of the elastic stiffnesses of multi-directional laminates by bending tests, ESMC 2018 - 10th European Solid Mechanics Conference (Bologna, Italy, 2-6 July 2018). [C.28] BONARI, Jacopo; COLONNA, Davide; VALVO, Paolo S. (2018): Energy harvesting from bridge vibrations with piezoelectric devices - Analysis of a case study bridge, ESMC 2018 - 10th European Solid Mechanics Conference (Bologna, Italy, 2-6 July 2018). [C.27] BENNATI, Stefano; DE LORENZIS, Laura; TAGLIALEGNE, Luca; VALVO, Paolo S. (2018): Analytical evaluation of the stress fields in tapered box girders, ESMC 2018 - 10th European Solid Mechanics Conference (Bologna, Italy, 2-6 July 2018). [C.26] VALVO, Paolo S. (2018): Stress analysis of wind turbine blades based on an extended shear formula, 1st Joint GACM-GIMC workshop on "Common Research Interests in Computational Mechanics" (Udine, Italy, 28 February-1 March 2018). [C.25] SAMBORSKI, Sylwester; VALVO, Paolo S. (2018): Numerical and Analytical Modeling of the End-Loaded Split (ELS) Test Specimens Made of Multi-Directional Coupled Composite Laminates, CMM 2017 - 22nd International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics (Lublin, Poland, 13-16 September 2017). In: AIP Conference Proceedings, 1922 (1), 030003:1-8.
[C.24] VALVO, Paolo S.; DAVINI, Erika; RICCI, Fabio (2017): The European project SUREBridge - Analysis of a case study bridge, CAE 2017 - 33rd International CAE Conference and Exhibition (Vicenza, Italy, 6-7 November 2017). [C.23] VALVO, Paolo S.; DAVINI, Erika; RICCI, Fabio (2017): The European project SUREBridge - Analysis of laboratory test beams, CAE 2017 - 33rd International CAE Conference and Exhibition (Vicenza, Italy, 6-7 November 2017). [C.22] YANG, Jincheng; HAGHANI, Reza; VALVO, Paolo S.; RICCI, Fabio; VELTKAMP, Martijn (2017): A new concept for sustainable refurbishment of existing bridges using FRP materials, SMAR 2017 - 4th International Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures (Zurich, Switzerland, 13-15 September 2017).
[C.21] BENNATI, Stefano; DARDANO, Nicola; VALVO, Paolo S. (2016): An elastic-interface model for buckling-driven delamination growth in composite panels under bending, ECF 21 - 21st European Conference on Fracture (Catania, Italy, 20-24 June 2016). [C.20] BENNATI, Stefano; COLONNA, Davide; VALVO, Paolo S. (2016): A cohesive-zone model for steel beams strengthened with pre-stressed laminates, ECF 21 - 21st European Conference on Fracture (Catania, Italy, 20-24 June 2016). In: Procedia Structural Integrity, 2, 2682-2689.
[C.19] BENNATI, Stefano; FISICARO, Paolo; VALVO, Paolo S. (2016): An elastic-interface model for the mixed-mode bending test under cyclic loads, ECF 21 - 21st European Conference on Fracture (Catania, Italy, 20-24 June 2016). In: Procedia Structural Integrity, 2, 72-79.
[C.18] VALVO, Paolo S.; SØRENSEN, Bent F.; TOFTEGAARD, Helmuth L. (2015): Modelling the double cantilever beam test with bending moments by using bilinear discontinuous cohesive laws, ICCM 20 - 20th International Conference on Composite Materials (Copenhagen, Denmark, 19-24 July 2015). [C.17] BENNATI, Stefano; VALVO, Paolo S. (2014): An experimental compliance calibration strategy for mixed-mode bending tests, ECF 20 - 20th European Conference on Fracture (Trondheim, Norway, 30 June-4 July 2014). In: Procedia Materials Science, 3, 1988-1993.
[C.16] VALVO, Paolo S. (2014): A physically consistent virtual crack closure technique for I/II/III mixed-mode fracture problems, ECF 20 - 20th European Conference on Fracture (Trondheim, Norway, 30 June-4 July 2014). In: Procedia Materials Science, 3, 1983-1987.
[C.15] BENNATI, Stefano; FISICARO, Paolo; VALVO, Paolo S. (2013): Explicit expressions for the crack length correction parameters for the DCB, ENF, and MMB tests on multidirectional laminates, CompTest 2013 - 6th International Conference on Composites Testing and Model Identification (Aalborg, Denmark, 22-24 April 2013), p. 41-42.
[C.14] VALVO, Paolo S. (2010): Fracture mode partition in delaminated beams using the crack-tip displacement rates, ECF 18 - 18th European Conference on Fracture (Dresden, Germany, 30 August-3 September 2010).
[C.13] BENNATI, Stefano; TAGLIALEGNE, Luca; VALVO, Paolo S. (2010): Modelling of interfacial fracture of layered structures, ECF 18 - 18th European Conference on Fracture (Dresden, Germany, 30 August-3 September 2010).
[C.12] VALVO, Paolo S. (2008): Does shear deformability influence the mode II delamination of laminated beams?, ECF 17 - 17th European Conference on Fracture (Brno, Czech Republic, 2-5 September 2008), p. 1470-1477.
[C.11] BENNATI, Stefano; TAGLIALEGNE, Luca; VALVO, Paolo S. (2008): A mechanical model of the four-point end notched flexure (4ENF) test based on an elastic-brittle interface, ECF 17 - 17th European Conference on Fracture (Brno, Czech Republic, 2-5 September 2008), p. 1584-1591.
[C.10] BENNATI, Stefano; COLLELUORI, Massimiliano; CORIGLIANO, Domenico; VALVO, Paolo S. (2007): An enhanced beam model of the asymmetric double cantilever beam (ADCB) test for composite laminates, ETDCM 8 - 8th Seminar on Experimental Techniques and Design in Composite Materials (Cagliari, Italy, 3-6 October 2007). [C.9] LIGARÒ, Salvatore S.; VALVO, Paolo S. (2006): Evolutionary equilibrium paths of statically and kinematically indeterminate reticulated deployable structures, Adaptables 2006 - International Conference On Adaptable Building Structures (Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 3-5 July 2006). [C.8] BENNATI, Stefano; VALVO, Paolo S. (2006): An interface model for mixed-mode, buckling-driven decohesion of superficial layers, ECF 16 - 16th European Conference of Fracture (Alexandroupolis, Greece, 3-7 July 2006).
[C.7] BENNATI, Stefano; VALVO, Paolo S. (2003): A mechanical model for mixed-mode delamination growth in composite laminates under cyclic compression, CCC 2003 - International Conference Composites in Construction (Rende, Italy, 16-19 September 2003).
[C.6] BENNATI, Stefano; VALVO, Paolo S. (2003): Delamination growth in composite plates under compressive fatigue loads, ETDCM 6 - 6th Seminar on Experimental Techniques and Design in Composite Materials (Vicenza, Italy, 18-20 June 2003). [C.5] VALVO, Paolo S.; LIGARÒ, Salvatore S. (2002): Tracing complex equilibrium paths of elastic structures by an improved 'Admissible Directions Cone' method, WCCM V - 5th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (Vienna, Austria, 7-12 July 2002).
[C.4] BENNATI, Stefano; VALVO, Paolo S. (2000): An elastic interface model for delamination buckling in laminated plates, ETDCM 5 - 5th Seminar on Experimental Techniques and Design in Composite Materials (Cagliari, Italy, 28-29 September 2000).
[C.3] VALVO, Paolo S.; LIGARÒ, Salvatore S. (2000): Stress-concentration in a partly wrinkled elastic membrane, ICTAM 2000 - 20th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Chicago, Illinois, 27 August-2 September 2000), Abstract Book for ICTAM 2000 - TAM Report No. 950, p. 108.
[C.2] LIGARÒ, Salvatore S.; VALVO, Paolo S. (2000): Stress distributions around discontinuities in soft elastic membranes, IASS-IACM 2000 - 4th International Colloquium on Computation of Shell and Spatial Structures (Chania, Greece, 4-7 June 2000), paper No. 283. [C.1] LIGARÒ, Salvatore; VALVO, Paolo (1999): Tracing the equilibrium paths of complex elastic reticulated systems by means of the 'admissible directions cone' method, ECCM '99 - European Conference on Computational Mechanics (München, Germany, 31 August-3 September 1999). National (Italian) conferences[N.31] FISICARO, Paolo; PASINI, Angelo; VALVO, Paolo S. (2024): Design parameters of tethered cable nets for the active removal of space debris, AIMETA 2024 - XXVI Congresso Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata (Napoli, 2-6 settembre 2024). [N.30] VALVO, Paolo S.; FANTERIA, Daniele (2024): An energetically orthogonal decomposition of the energy release rate for cracks at bimaterial interfaces, AIMETA 2024 - XXVI Congresso Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata (Napoli, 2-6 settembre 2024). [N.29] VALVO, Paolo S. (2023): Energetically orthogonal fracture mode partitioning of the J-integral for cohesive interfaces, GIMC-GMA-GBMA 2023 - XXIII Convegno Gruppo Italiano di Meccanica Computazionale - X Convegno Gruppo Meccanica dei Materiali - II Convegno Gruppo BioMeccanica (Reggio di Calabria, Italy, 12-14 July 2023). [N.28] VALVO, Paolo S. (2019): The ellipse of crack-tip flexibility for the partitioning of fracture modes, AIMETA 2019 - 24th Conference of the Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Rome, Italy, 15-19 September 2019), 270. [N.27] DARDANO, Nicola; VALVO, Paolo S.; PAGGI, Marco; BENNATI, Stefano (2019): Experimental characterisation of buckling-driven delamination growth in four-point bending tests, AIMETA 2019 - 24th Conference of the Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Rome, Italy, 15-19 September 2019), 149. [N.26] FISICARO, Paolo; TAGLIALEGNE, Luca; VALVO, Paolo S. (2019): Measurement of cohesive laws from mixed bending-tension tests, AIMETA 2019 - 24th Conference of the Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Rome, Italy, 15-19 September 2019), 79. [N.25] VALVO, Paolo S.; BONARI, Jacopo; COLONNA, Davide; JAFARI-TALOOKOLAEI, Ramazan-Ali; ABEDI, Maryam (2017): Energy harvesting from bridge vibrations with piezoelectric devices - A feasibility study, AIMETA 2017 - 23rd Conference of the Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Salerno, Italy, 4-7 September 2017), 2224-2234.
[N.24] BENNATI, Stefano; FISICARO, Paolo; TAGLIALEGNE, Luca; VALVO, Paolo S. (2017): Experimental validation of the enhanced beam-theory model of the mixed-mode bending test, AIMETA 2017 - 23rd Conference of the Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Salerno, Italy, 4-7 September 2017), 2119-2127.
[N.23] BENNATI, Stefano; DARDANO, Nicola; VALVO, Paolo S. (2017): An elastic-interface model for buckling-driven delamination growth in four-point bending tests, AIMETA 2017 - 23rd Conference of the Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Salerno, Italy, 4-7 September 2017), 2107-2118.
[N.22] VALVO, Paolo S.; DAVINI, Erika; ALOCCI, Cristiano; PASQUALE, Antonfranco; RICCI, Fabio; MIRANDA SANTOS, Juan Carlos; VELTKAMP, Martijn; HAGHANI, Reza (2017): The European project SUREBridge - A case study in Tuscany, AIMETA 2017 - 23rd Conference of the Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Salerno, Italy, 4-7 September 2017), 1998-2011.
[N.21] BENNATI, Stefano; BERTOLINI, Paola; TAGLIALEGNE, Luca; VALVO, Paolo S. (2016): On shear stresses in tapered beams, GIMC-GMA 2016 - XXI Convegno Nazionale di Meccanica Computazionale e VIII Riunione Gruppo Materiali AIMETA (Lucca, 27-29 giugno 2016).
[N.20] BENNATI, Stefano; FISICARO, Paolo; TAGLIALEGNE, Luca; VALVO, Paolo S. (2015): An elastic interface model of the mixed bending-tension (MBT) test, AIMETA 2015 - XXII Congresso Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata (Genova, 14-17 settembre 2015), 479-487, De Ferrari Comunicazione S.r.l., Genova, 2015.
[N.19] LONI, Simone; STEFANOU, Ioannis; VALVO, Paolo S. (2013): Experimental study on the creep behavior of GFRP pultruded beams, AIMETA 2013 - XXI Congresso Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata (Torino, 17-20 settembre 2013), Edizioni Libreria Cortina, Torino (TO), 2013.
[N.18] BENNATI, Stefano; VALVO, Paolo S. (2013): An experimental compliance calibration strategy for estimating the elastic interface constants of delamination test specimens, AIMETA 2013 - XXI Congresso Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata (Torino, 17-20 settembre 2013), Edizioni Libreria Cortina, Torino (TO), 2013.
[N.17] VALVO, Paolo S. (2012): Towards a revised virtual crack closure technique for bimaterial interface cracks, GMA 2012 - VI Riunione Gruppo Materiali AIMETA (Lucca, 12-13 aprile 2012). [N.16] BENNATI, Stefano; VALVO, Paolo S. (2012): Enhanced beam-theory models for delamination test specimens, GMA 2012 - VI Riunione Gruppo Materiali AIMETA (Lucca, 12-13 aprile 2012). [N.15] VALVO, Paolo S. (2011): Towards a revised virtual crack closure technique, AIMETA 2011 - XX Congresso Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata (Bologna, 12-15 settembre 2011), Publi&Stampa Edizioni, Conselice, 2011.
[N.14] BENNATI, Stefano; DARDANO, Nicola; VALVO, Paolo S. (2011): Un modello meccanico per travi inflesse rinforzate con FRP, IGF 2011 - XXI Congresso Nazionale del Gruppo Italiano di Frattura (Cassino, 13-15 giugno 2011), 360-374, IGF, Cassino, 2011.
[N.13] BENNATI, Stefano; VALVO, Paolo S. (2010): Numerical calibration of the interface parameters to model the delamination of composite laminates, GMA 2010 - IV Riunione Gruppo Materiali AIMETA (Palermo, 25-26 febbraio 2010). [N.12] VALVO, Paolo S. (2009): A beam-theory based method to partition fracture modes in delaminated beams, AIMETA 2009 - XIX Congresso Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata (Ancona, 14-17 settembre 2009), Aras Edizioni, Fano, 2009.
[N.11] BENNATI, Stefano; VALVO, Paolo S. (2009): An elastic interface model for mixed-mode fracture of adhesive joints, AIMETA 2009 - XIX Congresso Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata (Ancona, 14-17 settembre 2009), Aras Edizioni, Fano, 2009.
[N.10] BENNATI, Stefano; VALVO, Paolo S. (2008): Enhanced beam models for delamination toughness tests: influence of shear deformability, GMA08 - II Riunione Gruppo Materiali AIMETA (Genova, 29 febbraio-1 marzo 2008). [N.9] BENNATI, Stefano; VALVO, Paolo S. (2008): Enhanced beam models for delamination toughness tests: mixed-mode fracture tests, GMA 08 - II Riunione Gruppo Materiali AIMETA (Genova, 29 febbraio-1 marzo 2008). [N.8] BENNATI, Stefano; FISICARO, Paolo; VALVO, Paolo S. (2007): An enhanced beam model of the mixed-mode bending (MMB) test, AIMETA 2007 - XVIII Congresso Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata (Brescia, 11-14 settembre 2007), Starrylink Editrice, Brescia, 2007.
[N.7] BENNATI, Stefano; VALVO, Paolo S. (2007): Refined beam models for interlaminar fracture toughness tests of fibre-reinforced laminates, GMA 07 - I Riunione Gruppo Materiali AIMETA (Trento, 23-24 febbraio 2007). [N.6] BENNATI, Stefano; COLLELUORI, Massimiliano; CORIGLIANO, Domenico; VALVO, Paolo S. (2006): Frattura interlaminare secondo il modo I in un laminato composito, AIMeTA 2005 - XVII Congresso Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata (Firenze, 11-15 settembre 2005), vol. II, 1-11, Firenze University Press, Firenze, 2006.
[N.5] DARDANO, Domenico; MIRANDA, Juan Carlos; PERSICHETTI, Bruno; VALVO, Paolo (2005): Un metodo per la determinazione del tiro nelle catene mediante identificazione dinamica, AIPnD 2005 - Conferenza Nazionale sulle Prove non Distruttive, Monitoraggio e Diagnostica - 11° Congresso Nazionale dell'AIPnD (Milano, 13-15 ottobre 2005).
[N.4] VALVO, Paolo S.; BENNATI, Stefano (2003): A mechanical model for delamination growth under cyclic compression, AIMETA '03 - XVI Congresso Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata (Ferrara, 9-12 settembre 2003). [N.3] BENNATI, Stefano; VALVO, Paolo S. (2001): A mechanical model for mixed-mode buckling-driven delamination growth, AIMETA '01 - XV Congresso Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata (Taormina, 26-29 settembre 2001).
[N.2] LIGARÒ, Salvatore; VALVO, Paolo (1999): Non-linear analysis of soft elastic membranes containing holes and slits, AIMETA '99 - XIV Congresso Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata (Como, 6-9 ottobre 1999). [N.1] LIGARÒ, Salvatore; VALVO, Paolo (1997): Una strategia efficiente per tracciare i percorsi di equilibrio di travature reticolari spaziali, AIMETA '97 - XIII Congresso Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata (Siena, 29 settembre-3 ottobre 1997), vol. IV - Meccanica delle Strutture, 25-30, Edizioni ETS, Siena, 1997. Technical reports[T.11] VALVO, Paolo S.; FANTERIA, Daniele; SAMBORSKI, Sylwester; RZECZKOWSKI, Jakub (2024): Final Report, DIACMEC - Damage Identification in Advanced Composite Materials with Elastic Couplings. [T.10] VALVO, Paolo S.; FANTERIA, Daniele; SAMBORSKI, Sylwester; RZECZKOWSKI, Jakub (2023): First Year Report, DIACMEC - Damage Identification in Advanced Composite Materials with Elastic Couplings. [T.9] RICCI, Fabio; VALVO, Paolo S.; BIFANO, Filippo; DAVINI, Erika; FISICARO, Paolo; HAGHANI, Reza; YANG, Jincheng; GHEORGHE, Teodor; GREFHORST, Rondald; KANTERS, Edwin; VELTKAMP, Martijn (2018): Deliverable D4.4 - Analysis of the prototype, SUREBridge - Sustainable Refurbishment of Existing Bridges. [T.8] ALOCCI, Cristiano; RICCI, Fabio; VALVO, Paolo S.; BIFANO, Filippo; DAVINI, Erika; PASQUALE, Antonfranco (2017): Deliverable D4.3 - Software tool for sustainable refurbishment of existing bridges, SUREBridge - Sustainable Refurbishment of Existing Bridges. [T.7] ALOCCI, Cristiano; RICCI, Fabio; VALVO, Paolo S.; BIFANO, Filippo; DAVINI, Erika; PASQUALE, Antonfranco (2017): Deliverable D4.2 - Design model for innovative FRP refurbishment of concrete deck bridges, SUREBridge - Sustainable Refurbishment of Existing Bridges. [T.6] GREFHORST, Rondald; RICCI, Fabio; VALVO, Paolo S.; YANG, Jincheng; HAGHANI, Reza; GHEORGHE, Teodor; VAN TILBORG, Arie; VELTKAMP, Martijn; DAVINI, Erika; ALOCCI, Cristiano (2017): Deliverable D3.3 - Validation of the SUREBridge solution, SUREBridge - Sustainable Refurbishment of Existing Bridges. [T.5] RICCI, Fabio; VALVO Paolo S.; MIRANDA SANTOS, Juan Carlos; DAVINI, Erika; ALOCCI, Cristiano; PASQUALE, Antonfranco (2016): Deliverable D4.1 - Appendix 1 - Assessment of San Miniato bridge, SUREBridge - Sustainable Refurbishment of Existing Bridges. [T.4] RICCI, Fabio; VALVO Paolo S.; MIRANDA SANTOS, Juan Carlos; DAVINI, Erika; ALOCCI, Cristiano; PASQUALE, Antonfranco (2016): Deliverable D4.1 - Standard operating procedure for the assessment of existing bridges, SUREBridge - Sustainable Refurbishment of Existing Bridges. [T.3] HAGHANI, Reza; YANG, Jincheng; PASQUALE, Antonfranco; RICCI, Fabio; VALVO Paolo S. (2016): Deliverable D2.1 - Refurbishment of existing concrete and steel-concrete bridge structures, SUREBridge - Sustainable Refurbishment of Existing Bridges. [T.2] ROYER-CARFAGNI, Gianni; SANPAOLESI, Luca; SALVATORE, Walter; VALVO, Paolo (1997): University of Pisa - Contribution to the One-Year Report - Fatigue test for quality assessment, MONUMENTS - Characterization of Mechanical Properties and Damage of Natural Building Stones in Historical Monuments. [T.1] SANPAOLESI, Luca; ROYER-CARFAGNI, Gianni; SALVATORE, Walter; VALVO, Paolo (1997): University of Pisa - Contribution to the EC Meeting in Toulouse - October 1997, MOUMENTS - Characterization of Mechanical Properties and Damage of Natural Building Stones in Historical Monuments. Miscellaneous[M.1] VALVO, Paolo (1986): Cinque programmi di una riga per il Commodore 64, Commodore Computer Club, anno V, n. 32, 14-15. |