!!!NEW!!! The conference preliminary programme is now available !!!NEW!!!

Final Bullettin

Conference Registration Form is now available

Paper template

Following the success of the first event (, the aim of the 2nd International Junior Researcher and Engineer Workshop on Hydraulic Structures (IJREWHS’08) is to provide an opportunity for young researchers and engineers (typically post graduate students, but also young researchers and engineers in both public and private sectors) to present ideas, plans, and preliminary results of their own research in an inspiring, friendly, co-operative, and non-competitive environment. To reach that purpose, the local organizing committee will organise a call for papers, with a peer-review process to be undertaken by the International Scientific Committee.  All the papers must have a Junior co-Author  that will present and discuss the work at the conference.
The workshop sessions will be chaired by the junior participants, who will play a major role in preparing reports and identifying key scientific elements and pending questions for all sessions. Therefore, the main goal is to learn from and help each other in solving scientific and engineering problems.
The IJREW on “Hydraulic Structures” addresses conventional and innovative aspects of hydraulic structures design, operation, rehabilitation, and interaction with the environment.
The main topics of the workshop will include:

A.  New developments in the design, construction, operation, monitoring, maintenance and rehabilitation of hydraulic structures

B Instrumentation and technology in the laboratory experiments and field tests

C. Intakes and outlets, spillways, fish ways and energy-dissipating structures

D. Two-phase flow, pipe flow, cavitation, vibration and aeration

E. Environmental and ecological impact of hydraulic structures

F. interaction between sediment transport and structures

Different approaches are welcome, namely experimental, theoretical and numerical modelling.
The workshop will be held for three days; in the second day the technical visit will take place.