______________________ GEOTECHNICS
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ June 14th, 2019 University of Pisa - School of Engineering - Venue: Polo Etruria - Aula F1 - Address: Via Diotisalvi 7, 56122, Pisa (Google Map) WORKSHOP: Recenti Sviluppi nelle Indagini in Sito (Recent Advances in Geotechnical in-situ Testing) con SIGEA Toscana e in Convenzione con l' Ordine dei Geologi della Toscana con il Patrocinio di: Politecnico di Torino - Università di Pavia - Associazione Geotecnica Italiana (AGI) - Regione Toscana Con la Partecipazione di: Pagani Geotechnical Equipment Locandina (Flyer) - Scheda d'iscrizione Organizzatore Evento: Prof. Diego Lo Presti PRESENTATIONS Emeritus Prof. Peter Robertson (University of Alberta Canada) "Use of the CPT for QA/QC in ground improvement" PDF Ing. Ph.D. Stefano Stacul (University of Pisa) "Use of CPT in partially saturated soils" PDF Prof. Claudia Meisina (University of Pavia) "Thin layering and liquefaction" PDF Emeritus Prof. Michele Jamiolkowski (Technical University of Turin) "The Zelazny Most case history" PDF Prof. D. Marchetti (Studio Marchetti) "Automated dilatometer testing using the Medusa DMT" Dr. Ali Güney Özcebe (University of Pavia) "Liquefaction risk maps from seismic and penetration testing" PDF Dott. Geol. Massimo Baglione (Genio Civile Reg. Toscana) "CPT database of the Tuscany Region and Liquefaction Risk" PDF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ June 30th, 2017 University of Pisa Largo Lucio Lazzarino, 1 - Pisa WORKSHOP ON RESILIENT LEVEES (BIHO)
PRESENTATIONS "On Levees - Relevant research activities at the University of Pisa " Barbara Cosanti (University of Pisa) Andre Koelewijn (Deltares) "Development of innovative methods and technologies of destruction process, detenction and monitoring for dams, levees and geotechnical engineering application " Krystzov Radzicki (Cracow University of Technology) Giulia Bossi, Simonetta Cola, Paolo Simonini (University of Padua) "Resilient game: new approach to urban territory " Paola Rizzi (University of L'Aquila) "Workshop on resilient levees: UPC-CIMNE potential contributions" Marcos Arroyo (UPC - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) "University of Porto - Faculty of Engineering: Presentation" Viana Da Fonseca (University of Porto)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ June 14th, 2016 University of Pisa Largo Lucio Lazzarino, 1 - Pisa P. Etruria - Room F8 - 9:00 - 18:00 WORKSHOP ON PENETRATION TESTING AND OTHER GEOMECHANICAL ISSUES "CPTU add-ons – Cone Pressuremeter and Seismic testing" Dr. John Powell (Geolabs UK, Technical Director) "The use of CPTU in connection with development of offshore wind farms" Dr. Tom Lunne (Technical Advisor at the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute) Diego Lo Presti (University of Pisa) Claudia Meisina (University of Pavia) "MINI-CPTU on compacted silty soils in a calibration chamber" Nunziante Squeglia (University of Pisa) "FEM vs. DEM ANALYSIS OF CAVITIES IN COMPETENT MARBLE ROCK MASSES" Alessia Pierotti (University of Pisa) "New developments on the mechanical characterization of levees using CPTU" Barbara Cosanti (University of Pisa) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ March 24th, 2015 University of Pisa Aula Pacinotti - 9:00 - 11:00 Structural Design - Earthquake Engineering: "Assessment and Retrofitting of Existing Structures" Prof. Stephanos E. Dritsos University of Patras, Greece ---------------------------------------------------------- March 18th, 2015 University of Pisa Aula A21 "Seismic Design of New R.C. Structures" Prof. Stephanos E. Dritsos University of Patras, Greece ---------------------------------------------------------- October 9th, 2014 University of Pisa WORKSHOP ON PENETRATION TESTING
Venue: Auditorium Opera Primaziale, Piazza Arcivescovado (in fondo a Piazza dei Miracoli), Pisa 9.00 – 10.30 10.30 – 11.00 - COFFEE BREAK 11.00 – 11.30 11.30 – 12.30 12.30 – 14.00 - LUNCH 14.00 – 14.30 14.30 – 15.15 15.15 – 15.45 15.45 – 16.15 - COFFEE BREAK 16.15 – 16.45 16.45 – 17.15
---------------------------------------------------------- November 7th 2013 University of Pisa STABILIZATION OF THE LEANING TOWER OF PISA
"BEHAVIOUR OF THE TOWER DURING AND AFTER STABILIZATION WORKS" Emeritus Professor M. Jamiolkowski --------------------------------------------------------- 21 Febbraio 2011 Facoltà di Ingegneria SCUOLA DI DOTTORATO IN INGEGNERIA "Leonardo Da Vinci" - Scienze e tecniche dell'ingegneria civile
"Linee guida per il progetto, controllo e monitoraggio degli argini fluviali" Ing. Barbara Cosanti
"Determinazione sperimentale dello stato di tensione nell’ammasso roccioso" Ing. Cristina Raffi
"Analisi di risposta sismica dei depositi di terreno" Ing. Ilaria Giusti _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
14th -16th September 2010 1st Europe – China Workshop on
Gennaio 2009 LA STABILIZZAZIONE DELLA TORRE DI PISA Prof. Michele Jamiolkowski - Prof. Carlo Viggiani UNIVERSITA' DI PISA - Facoltà di Ingegneria
19 settembre 2008 ALCUNI ESEMPI DI IMPIEGO DI METODI DIRETTI ED INDIRETTI PER LA CARATTERIZZAZIONE DEL SOTTOSUOLO PROGRAMMA 9.00 – 9.30 M. Marchisio – Vantaggi del sondaggio sismico tomografico (SST) Facoltà di Ingegneria _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 15 Aprile 2008 RESEARCH OF SOIL SHEAR STRENGTH IN TRIAXIAL TESTS AND PROBABILISTIC ASSESSMENT OF RESULTS Neringa Dirgeliene ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12 Marzo 2008 The Increasing Role of Stress Wave Measurements in Solving Geotechnical Engineering Problems Prof. Kenneth H. Stokoe, II Jennie C. and Milton T. Graves Chair ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 20-21 Settembre [ September ] 2007 ( UNIVERSITA' DI PISA Facoltà di Ingegneria Aula Pacinotti, via Diotisalvi 2 )
Prof. Antonio Viana da Fonseca
Prof. Nilo Cesar Consoli On the behaviour of artificially cemented soils Prof. Giovanni Cascante
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 19 Settembre [ September ] 2007 ( UNIVERSITA' DI PISA Facoltà di Ingegneria Aula Pacinotti, via Diotisalvi 2 ) CREEP BEHAVIOUR OF SOFT SOILS Download Presentazioni ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 Maggio [ May ] 2007 ( UNIVERSITA' DI PISA Facoltà di Ingegneria Aula Pacinotti, via Diotisalvi 2 ) PROBABILISTIC ASSESSMENT OF GEOTECHNICAL OBJECTS BY MEANS OF MONTE CARLO SIMULATION prof. Egidijus Rytas VAIDOGAS del Politecnico di Vilnius (Lithuania)
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 21 Settembre [ September ] 2006 ( UNIVERSITA' DI PISA Facoltà di Ingegneria Aula Magna, via Diotisalvi 2 ) SOME ASPECTS OF VISCOUS EFFECTS FOR GEOMATERIALS AND MODELLING
Hervé Di Benedetto [ He is Professor at the "Ecole Nationale des TPE" since 1987 and was Director, from 1992 to 2005, of the Department of Civil Engineering and Buildings (DGCB), which is a Research Unit associated to the French National Centre of Scientific Researches (URA CNRS N°1652) ]. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 26-27-28 Giugno [ June ] 2006 ( UNIVERSITA' DI PISA Facoltà di Ingegneria Aula Magna, via Diotisalvi 2 ) INCONTRO ANNUALE DEI RICERCATORI DI GEOTECNICA ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14 Marzo [ March ] 2006 ( UNIVERSITA' DI PISA Facoltà di Ingegneria Aula Magna, via Diotisalvi 2 ) DYNAMIC BEAHAVIOUR AND A-SEISMIC DESIGN OF REINFORCED SOIL RETAINING WALL TATSUOKA Fumio Tokyo University of Science ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12 Aprile [ April ] 2005 ( UNIVERSITA' DI PISA Facoltà di Ingegneria Aula Magna, via Diotisalvi 2 ) RISPOSTA SISMICA DI DEPOSITI DI TERRENO A GRANA GROSSA IN ALCUNE AREE DELLA TOSCANA ( PRIN )